Wreak By Wraith

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"Emily, it's me. Relax, I'm here to help-" Dillan bent down reaching his arm out to me. But I scrambled backwards and finally got to my feet.

"Leave me alone-" I yelled at his face.

"Emily!" He yelled as I began to run away until I collided with another warm body. Glancing up, it was Ruth.

"Get off me you Bitch! I killed you once, I'll do it again!" I squirmed as her arms grabbed me and wouldn't let go, no matter how much I kicked or screamed.

"Emily, clam down- It's me, its Dad-" Her voice went from women to a musky male voice I knew anywhere. Closing my eyes I looked up at her face and realized I was in Dean's arms.

"Dad?" The tears rain down and I went limp in his arms. Dean placed a hand on my head and gently rubbed my back.

"Shh- it's okay sweetheart," Dean pushed me back for a second, grabbing my shoulders so we were face to face. "What the hell was that-"

I turned around and noticed where Sam was standing I saw Dillan, where Cas was I saw Claudite and Dean was Ruth.

"I-I don't know- I felt really dizzy in the car like I was going to vomit then I saw Dillan, Ruth, and Claudite right in front of me. That's why I ran-"

"Well its us- You're okay." Dean wrapped his arms around me again before bringing me back towards the Impala.

He helped be back in the Impala and I laid my head in Cas' lap just relaxing for the few miles we had left till we were back at the motel. I noticed the looks Dean gave Sam as we were driving. He knew something was wrong but wasn't sharing.

Getting back to the motel, Dean dropped Cas, Sam, and I off and he went to grab us all some food.

There was a bit of silence as we entered and I laid back on one of the beds and shut my eyes.

"Hey Em, do you want a water?"

"Yeah that would be great Sam-" He made his way over towards me but once I opened my eyes all I saw was Ruth. "What are you doing here!" I yelled before climbing over to the other side of the bed. "You can't be here! I killed you! You're dead!"

"Emily! Relax, It's Sam-" Ruth had a voice that didn't sound like herself and I closed my eyes reopening them to see Sam holding out the bottle of water I asked for. His eyes were widened and full of concern.

I sat on the bed and cupped my face in my hands and began to cry. "I'm going crazy- what's happening to me?"

"No, you are not going crazy but this is important- was the librarian the only one to touch you in the library?"

"Yeah, why?" I lifted my head up to look Sam in the face.

"Because I think you've been infected by the wraith-" My eyes widened as Sam sat down on the bed beside me.

"I'm going to go crazy- the babies are going to go crazy- we have to kill the wraith Sam!"

"Yes I know, we need to kill it fast before you go completely insane. But for now we have to keep you safe until we can kill her with a silver dagger. Just relax, here's your water-"

I slowly grabbed it out of his hands as he got off the bed and headed towards the table where his laptop was. Cas has left for a bit once we got out of the Impala, just had to check in a few thing he said. But he'll be back later.

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