Stay The Hell Away

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My grip tightened on the bathroom sink before I turned around.

"What did you say to me?" I wasn't backing away from him. That's exactly what Dean would want me to do but I can't. I have to be strong, for my children.

He pushed his smart-ass self off the wall and walked closer to me. "I said, you're welcome."

"For what may I ask?"

"Oh, maybe letting your baby daddy go so he could resurrect you from the dead." He folded his hands together and gave me a big sarcastic smile.

"Why were you fighting him in the first place dumbass? Just stay the hell away from me and my family-" His smile turned into rage giving me a huge slap across my cheek. My face immediately bruised and my lip split.

"No! Stop telling me to leave Emily! Those babies are mine. And your angel just needed a little reminding." Dillan yelled at me. There was a moment for him to gather himself up again. He tilted his head towards me with another smile. "All I'm saying is you're welcome-"

"I wouldn't have died. So jokes on you- My children would have brought me back." I began to walk back from Dillan as he walked closer. I was pinned against the wall. Not being able to move much, Dillan bent down and began to rub over my stomach. Trying to slip away from his horrid touch, he grabbed my wrist and kept me in place. His grip was sure to leave a bruise.

"Oh yes, I know that. I just didn't want these precious babies to use their powers on a piece of garbage like you!" He released his grip and I immediately rubbed my wrist. His back was turned to me and he still spoke. "Emily, once the babies are born I have no use for you."

"Who will raise the babies? Nurse them? Love them?" The guys were probably beginning to worry since I've been in the bathroom for a bit. I began to slip out towards the door but Dillan caught me.

He grabbed my throat and slammed be up against the door out.

"The babies won't need you. They will have new mothers. I didn't have love growing up and look how I turned out-" He smiled back at me.

"Well-" I managed to say through his grasp. Pushing his buttons again, he tightened on my throat to where I couldn't get breath in.

"Now just say thank you and our chat will be over with for now-" Lightening up on his grasp he gently pulled away to allow me to answer. Turning his attention towards the mirror to fix his hair, I had my chance to grab my knife that was still in my boot. It's always there. Dean gave me one just like his. But I forget about it all the time.

I reached down my leg, pretending to have an itch, I grabbed my knife and without hesitation flung it over at Dillan. I knew it wouldn't kill him, or even stop him. Just needed a distraction.

I grabbed the door knob before he could slash out at me. I made my way down the hallway and turned into the main section. Noticing the guys were gone, they must have listened to my "I'm a big girl" comment. Passing out the door, I was thankful Lauren wasn't around so she didn't see me like this. Walking into the bathroom I looked fine, walking out I look like I was mugged.

Noticing the Impala was the only car in the lot, my direct attention went to the guys. Sam and Dean were smiling while leaning against the Impala with Cas in front of them. It was still dark for early morning and they hadn't seen my face yet.

Dean caught eye of me and kept on smiling. "Oh look, she didn't fall in. We do have a big girl in our hands-" The three laughed at Dean's comment.

Still a bit away, "Get in the car now. Drive please-" They all looked confused but that changed as I came up to them and they noticed my bruises and split lip.

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