90 Days

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Slowly my eyes began opening because of a hard pounding in my head. Over and over again it finally caused me to wake. I was groggy at first then I shot into fear when I didn't see my children.

I was in some small room. Single bed, a sink, bathroom, one light, a small window for air, and no cribs. Trying to move up I winced as I was still sore from where Dillan had stabbed me.

Bringing my hand to my stomach, I used what very little energy I had to try to heal myself but it didn't work. I was still bleeding and becoming more tired.

My door slowly opened and Dillan came through. "Hey, you're awake! How are you feeling?" He sounded all polite but I wasn't buying it.

"Where are my children Dillan?" I coughed out at him.

"They are safe but don't mind them right now, how are you sweetheart?" He noted towards my wound that he inflicted.

"Don't you call me sweetheart you dick. And oh, you talking about the stab wound you gave me. Well, it's just peachy. Now give me my children back-"

"Let me heal you-"

"No, keep your grimy hands off me." Dillan began to reach out towards me but I continually slapped him back.

"Emily, I am just trying to help you."

"Well don't. I don't need it." I spat at him.

"Yes you do." He slammed his hand on my stomach, healing me in seconds. "There, better?"


"Stop being such a crab. I just saved your life."

"You have ruined my life. Where are my children?" I demanded, jumping to me feet and slamming Dillan against the wall.

"They are well but you won't be seeing them for a long while. They are already in training and doing extremely well."

What Emily didn't know is that Dillan was lying right threw his teeth. Parker and Charlotte we not doing well with Dillan. They kept a killing every demon that came up to them. They were going against what he wanted.

Dillan pushed me back and I fell to the bed. He launched at me, pinning me to the bed. "I'll see you later Emily. Let me know if you need anything sweetheart-" He whispered in my ear sending bumps across my whole body.

He picked himself up and left the room. I immediately ran to the toilet and vomited a few time.

This was a nightmare.

An absolute nightmare.

I slowly backed onto my bed and curled into a ball. I felt so lonely. Having two people inside of you for 6 months and then having them ripped away from you hurts. No it kills. It feels like someone is stabbing my heart over and over again. My tears began to fall and I let them. I rested my head on my pillow and let the tears soak up.

I didn't know what to do. Was I ever going to leave? See my children again? Or we'll just see them, I really never got to see them. See my family again? Was this it? My life couldn't stay like this. It-It just couldn't.

My eyes grew heavy from the tears and I slowly sank deeper and deeper until I was out. Exhausted from the pain building inside.

When I woke back up I was hit again by another wave. My anxiety getting the best of me. I wanted, I needed my children. They needed their mother. With no clock or sunlight I could only tell it was morning when a small try of food was sent through the door.

Looking down I was given a breakfast spread. But I wasn't hungry. Who knows what could be in this. Slowly pushing myself off the bed I saw something shinny that caught my eyes under the sink. Bending down and reaching for it, it seemed to be a screw. Not really knowing what to do with it, I scrapped it against the wall and it made a long dash.

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