Epilogue: Time To Finally Have Peace

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"Dillan....are you listening?" I stated about four times, ringing through the old house as I moved around with Charlotte in my arms.


"Emily, what a surprise-" Dillan faced me surround by four other men.

"Oh Dillan I thought I would never see you again!" I gently placed Charlotte down in her carrier and leaped into his arms.

"Uh-" He caught me awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry I ran out on you. I should have never done that. I-I think I'm in love with you...." Dillan grabbed my waist and pulled me in to a kiss.

"I knew you would come to your senses eventually....." He began to kiss me again, running his hands up and down my body.

"Brought the babies here for us to take and get started on your plan." I gently slid out of this grasp and I walked closer to the carriers and began to smile all sneaking like.

I felt Dillan come up behind me and grab ahold
I my hips again and my inner self wanted to throw-up so much right now.

"They are beautiful, just like their mommy. Too bad they are half beautiful and half stupid. Speaking of stupid, where is Castiel and your Father and Uncle for that matter?" He asked turning me around sharply.

"I dropped them. Dead weight. They didn't have what I wanted or needed. That's why I came to you. You gave me what I needed I just didn't see it fast enough...."

"And what was it that you didn't see fast enough?" He began to kiss down my neck, feeling me all over.

"How good of an actress I really am...." I said with a smirk as I kicked Dillan's body way from mine and wiped my lips off.

"What the hell?" He got his balance and looked at me with complete confusion.

"You really think I would leave my family? Uncle and Father? My fiancé? You must really be damaged." Just as I said that, Dean, Sam, and Cas walked in and Cas stood next to me. He handed me a angel blade and Sam pulled the babies towards the back of the room to have more safety.

"Oh what do we have here? Team Free Will to the rescue?" Dillan laughed as he looked over to his men who began to laugh with him.

"No, what we have here is a group of hunters that are going to kill some dick bag angels." Dean spoke up as he set himself up next to me.

"Oh yeah? Not if I can help it-" Dillan flicked his whole wrist with implications to throw us all against the wall.

"Powers not working? Looky here- Sam pulled down the drapes that covered both the symbols.

"You didn't..." Dillan's eyes filled with rage.

"Oh we did. You can not leave or use your magic." Dean smiled as he looked down at me.

"Neither can you guys so the jokes on you." Dillan laughed trying to be the bigger man.

"Unlike you, Cas and I are hunters and don't need powers to keep us afloat." I smiled at Cas and we gripped out blades tighter.

"Well, what are we waiting for? An invite to kill you?" Dean laughed and he lunged at the Angels. I headed straight for Dillan as Cas and Sam got the other angels.

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