Home Sweet Home

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"Emily? Emily wake up- Don't do this to me. Come on Em, No!" Dean brought up the dead body close to his chest. Not wanting to put her down. The tears formed in his worn, puffy red eyes. But only let one fall. His already patched up heart broke into a millions pieces.

"Dean," Sam placed his hand on his older brothers shoulder, not caring about the tears streaming down his own face blurring his vision. "This-This is all my fault-"

Dean's sadness turned into immediate rage. "Damn right its your fault. I told you no, Don't bring her. But you said yes and now look at her. My-My daughter is dead." Dean gently set down the body on the bed not wanting to look at her anymore. Not wanting to believe this could be real.

"Dean, I'm so sorry. But I lost her too. Not just you. This guilt will be with me forever-"

"Where's Cas- He can save her-" Dean stated with hope as he cleared his cheek off.

"I prayed to him a few times. He never answered." Sam sadly informed crushing Dean.

He slowly fell on the end of the bed with his face cupped within his hands until he felt that familiar gust of wind.

Cas appeared to them, bruised and cut up. Almost ready to fall over.

"Cas! Emily-" Without a second to think, Cas limped his way over to Emily and pressed his fingers upon her forehead and in moments his grace covered over the gash. The used to be red skin was now pink, and turning back to Emily's regular skin color.

"She should be asleep for another hour or so, but she will be sore when she wakes up."

"Cas, thank you so much-" Dean grabbed ahold of the weak angel and gave him a hug so hard it could've killed him. Letting him go, Dean turned over towards Sam and wrapped him into a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Sam. It was the heat of the moment. I-I just needed someone to blame."

"Dean, it was my fault-" Sam moved his head away from Dean's face, the guilt still eating at him.

"Don't beat yourself down. She's okay now. Everyone's okay-" Dean replied back and Sam lifted his head up to Dean giving him a small smile. But Sam still felt like he caused this.

"Not everyone-" Sam let go of Dean and pointed over to Cas, who was wobbling back and forth, almost ready to fall.

"Hey, Hey. Easy man" The angel almost fell to the floor before Dean had caught him and sat him upon the bed. "What's up- and where are all of the battle wounds from?"

"Dillan, he's the reason I couldn't get here sooner. He found me and took his anger out on me about Emily."

"Damn! Was hoping he would have left her alone-"

"Never, he really wants those babies Dean."

"Well he won't be getting them. Not now, not ever." Dean replied back to Cas with sureness in his voice.

Cas gave Dean a weak smile before leaning back on the bed next to Emily. He pushed his body up towards the head board and rested next to Emily's limp body.

The next hour was spent by Dean pacing back and fourth waiting for Emily to wake up. Cas stayed my her side and Sam kept his distance away from Dean and Emily. Guilt was still read clearly all over his face. Which probably wouldn't leave until Emily woke up.

My eyes sprang open as I grasped for air. Coughing a few times and closing my eyes to regain my sense of what happened. Dean was and Cas were sitting on either side of me.

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