Uh Oh

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Three weeks ago was my last doctors visit before the babies are born. Everyone came because we were finding out my exact due date. Which just happens to be January 23, a day right before Dean's birthday. So on the whole ride home of that day, Dean kept saying how the babies were going to be his birthday presents and how excited he was but Sam and I kept pushing him down by calling him Grandpa Dean.

Well ever since we got home all three of them have kept their eyes on me. It's like Dillan watch all over again. Everywhere I went and everything I did they were there. Don't get me wrong, I loved them all but seeing them EVERYWHERE was getting on my nerves a bit.

I was not in the mood to be babied.....at all. The babies were much heavier now and weighing a lot on my uterus. I had to pee so much. I didn't think someone could have that much pee. I was always starving. Well, way more than usual you could say. My ankles were sore, My feet killed, and my back was horrible. Everything just ached! I was way past my readiness for these babies. I just wanted them out.

So, after putting up with the guys for three long *Drags out 'g'* weeks, I finally went off last night. I yelled at each one of them and called them out on everything. I was just so frustrated and the hormones definitely got to me. Cas left after I walked out and both Sam and Dean went to their rooms for the night.

Once I got back to my room after yelling at the guys in the kitchen, I broke down.

I didn't mean to yell at them like that. I just need my space and I was getting crabby as it was my due date. I-I just couldn't handle it. I laid back on my mattress and slowly drifted to sleep.

Another night tossing and turned caused me wake at 2 in the morning. Dean's birthday. My body still ached and was covered in sweat in all places. Not wanting to walk around the bunker again and again to cool off like last time, I figured the nice cool air outside would help.

A few night ago, Cas slept in my room and I woke in a panic. Which caused him to panic, which caused Sam and Dean to rush in from my yelp. The guys helped me off the bed and Cas rested his hand on my lower back as we lapped the bunker halls a few times. I eventually cooled off and we all crashed back in my room, just in case anything happened again.

Now, pushing my big self off the bed, I grabbed my robe and threw on Dean's old boots next to my door. I couldn't bend down anymore to put my shoes on without someone helping me so his were big enough to slide on and slide off.

Reaching the door, I quietly pushed it open slipping out into the hallway. Finally making my way to the stairs, I took every step one at a time. Once I reached the top, without making noise I slid the metal door open, quietly went threw, and up to the top.

Reaching the top door, I opened it causing the cool air to surround my hot body. I let the door shut as I walked over to the parked Impala. Dean hesitated putting the Impala in the garage ever since we got back from my appointment three weeks ago. The just thought that out get-to-the-hospital-car car would be fast and easily accessible outside and ready to go.

I didn't care as long as I had enough time for all the drugs. I NEEDED those drugs. Pushing two super charged babies out of a small hole was going to hurt.....like an Bitch!

I digress, I leaned up against the side of the Impala and zippered up my jacket a bit. Everything was getting tighter and tighter from this belly! I could not wait to take this weight off my body! Taking in a deep breath of cool air  and letting out to relax, I let out more than I thought.

"Uh oh-" I looked down and my shorts were soaked with a little puddle on the ground. I knew that wasn't pee. M-My water just broke! My brain began going a million miles a second and I couldn't control it.

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