First Appearance

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Week Nine:

It's the end of September now, and my stomach looks like the size of half a watermelon. I wasn't expecting the size this fast. But my pregnancy is sped up, I've been told. So I have to deal with it. Morning sickness had died down. Thank God!

I've been living in Sam and Dean shirts. Two reasons why; first off I can't fit into my tight black tank tops or my size 4 jeans anymore because I'm freakin' huge and I'm also way too lazy to head out and buy maturity wear.

Well more like dreading it. Leaving the bunker and being taken or something happen to the babies terrifies me. We have had no interaction with Dillan or his friends and I want to keep it that way.

The three have still been super supportive. Life's been pretty chill, well except for that I'm permanently strapped down on the hormone roller coaster. Other than that, we're all just peachy........


My night was spent tossing and turning and more tossing involving more turning. I couldn't get to sleep. The babies were keeping me up kicking. Eventually I gathered the strength to push myself off the bed. I grabbed my robe and noticed the clock blinked 2:15 am.

I rolled my eyes and yawned as I reached for the door knob. The bunker lights were set on low, that meant Sam and Dean were sleeping. For once. They both have tried to stay awake or take shifts in case I needed anything. But I always made them get some sleep. I can handle myself. Still a big girl.

I'm pregnant not dying.

I headed to the bathroom first and then headed to the kitchen. I flipped the light switch on and squinted a few times till my eyes adjusted to the light. I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a mug and made my self some tea.

I grabbed my tea and sat down in the main hall taking up two chairs. Before I knew it I was crying. Why? Because I was exhausted and I couldn't sleep because these babies didn't want to sleep. The frustration just overwhelmed me for a few moments.

The tea didn't help as I hoped it would so I yet again pushed myself up out of the chair and grabbed my cup and decided to walk for a bit. Thinking maybe I would make myself so tired that I would just crash.

I carefully walked past Dean's room and then mine. The babies gave me a nice kick right in the stomach causing me to lean on the wall for a second. I never expected these kicks to be so powerful. But since these aren't regular babies, they are special, they will be different. Making my way down the hallway, I didn't pass by Sam's room as quietly as I would have liked too.

Sam has a very stupid tendency to leave his shoes outside of his room. And my stupid pregnant brain forgot. I turned the corner and as I walked past Sam's room, my feet met with a small object on the floor. Causing me to loose my balance and fall straight to the floor.

"Dammit! What the hell Sam! Keep your freakin shoes in your room. People walk around here!" The door opened. Sam came out rubbing his eyes, adjusting to the low lighting. His eyes sprang opened when he saw me.

"Emily! What's wrong? Why are you on the ground?" He reached out his hand but I told him I was fine. I pushed off the ground and left my mug down.

"You left your stupid shoes outside your door. And I didn't see them. So I tripped. That's why you have a freakin ROOM SAM! KEEP YOUR DAMN SHOES IN YOUR ROOM!" Sam looked at me like I was a monster. A little set back from me yelling. "No, Sam. I didn't mean to yell at you."

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