We're Here For You

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"There is no target. He just said that."

"But what did he mean by that. There is obviously something behind it." His hands interlocked with mine.

"A few years ago, an angel from heaven came down,"

"Like you?"

"No. He had bad intentions. But he wanted a child. So he met a human and they had a child together. But heaven bans the creation of a Nephilim. Half Angel/Half Human."

"Wouldn't I be a Nephilim then? I'm still alive."

"Nephilim's are born half angel/half human. You were born human but cursed into the life."

"So what's going to happen to us Cas? And our Baby?" I started to rub my stomach a little bit.

"Nothing Emily. We will all protect you. Now why don't you try to get some sleep. I'll be here waiting when you wake up."

I tried to cover my yawn but it didn't work. "I-I could use a nap." I tilted my head back and slowly closed me eyes.

Dean POV with Sam:

I just couldn't look at Cas anymore. How could he! She's my daughter. And I know if I asked him to leave, Em wouldn't let him go. So I did the honors myself. Right across the street was a small pub I stumbled into.

"Hello Hun, what can I get you?"

"Three shots of whiskey-"

She put three glasses on the tables and and began to pour. "Drinking whiskey at 10:30 am. Something's up....need someone to talk to."

"Not to be rude but I don't really want to talk about it," I took one of the shots. "Just keep these coming." I placed a 40 dollars on the bar. She gave me a weak smile and took the money. I spun the glass in the table my direction focused down. The door rang from the bell and it caught my attention. Seeing that Sam had come after me.

"So I don't really want to talk about any of this-"

"You have to Dean. You can't run from this."

"Why the hell not?!" I shot back three more shots on the bar.

"Because it's your daughter and best friend we are talking about."

"Exactly my point though Sam. They have been together for two years and now decide to come forward. She's my daughter. My baby girl. Cas could have at least asked me before doing anything with her."

"We all know Cas doesn't think the most logic sometimes."

"That's for sure. She's just so young Sam to be a mother. I don't want her to get caught up with this life that it would harm her child."

"Dean, that's why she needs us for than ever now. She needs her family. We need to watch out for her and protect her because there is a target on her back now. People might come after her. I know you and Cas will be a little rocky from here on out but just do it for Emily okay? She really love Cas, and I know it was bad for her to keep it from us for too long, I rather Cas then some random dude off the streets."

"You right Sammy. But I'm only doing this for Emily. Cas and I will never be the same again."

"Well let's head back to the Hospital. Emily can probably leave soon. We need to get her back to the bunker. So we can talk about the Baby."

I rolled my eyes and took back the last two shots. Not enough alcohol for me. But Sam was right. Emily needed us. She needed her family to support her and I just left. Her own father left. But how could she. I have my right to be angry at her so she better understand that. But I'm going to protect her and do anything she needs.

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