Watch Out For Them

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Was the last thing I heard before I got the hell out of that place.

I immediately thought of a perfect place to go. Where it was warded against every angel and demon out there. A place I called my "little safe zone".

The first place Cas took me to when I was starting to get my wings over 6 years ago.

I appeared right in the middle of the old cabin. It was dark and very cold. I took off my old jacket and wrapped it around the babies before setting them on the couch. They were both attentive but calm. I kept telling them how good they were and how beautiful they were.

As soon as I bent down I felt a pain shoot through my entire body. My back was on fire and a warm liquid had already soaked my entire outfit. Gently bringing my hand back I felt the warm liquid and pulled it forward to show that it was blood. That bullet must have hit my back just as I was leaving. Damn you Dillan!

"Not good babies-" I could barely stand up with out stumbling. Grabbing ahold of everything I front of me for balance, I made my way to the back room which had the fuse box in it.

Reaching the door way, I fell onto the bed. I couldn't walk much more. My body felt light. The blood was gushing out and I knew I didn't have long.

Pushing off, I flung at the box with my little strength. With a small prayer, I flipped every switch and they all turned on. "Thank you Dean!" I smiled as I remembered that Dean checks on lighting and power in all of the cabins every year or so just incase.

Next, I checked on the babies and then headed for the phone. A relief wave hit me when I heard the hum of the phone. With my hands still covered in blood, I covered the phone in blood as I dialed Dean's number.


Three months of drinking everyday and doing nothing. With no leads the boys were a mess. Nothing could take there pain away.

It was around 11pm and all boys were in the Library. They all looked half dead and all had drinks in there hands, even Cas.

Each of their phones were on the table, in an arms reach away incase if anyone called.

As there sat there in their usual silence Dean's phone rang.

Everyone stopped. The set down there drinks and looked at the phone.

"Dean, answer it! What if it's Emily-" Sam yelled at Dean who was just staring at the phone.

"What if it's not?" Dean questioned back, lifting his blood shot eyes at Sam.

"But what if is, dammit it! I'll answer it-" Sam lunged at the phone but Dean grabbed it out of of his hands.

Clicking the answer button all he could hope was for it to be Emily.

"Hello?" Dean asked only hearing a faint breathing on the other line.


"Emily? Is that you?" Dean's eyes grew huge as he stared at Cas and Sam.

"Y-yeah Dad. It's me."

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