It's Not Your Time Yet

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"Mom? It is that really you?" My eyes began to tear as I saw the person that was my rock. That was my soul. She was my person and to see her again, well, I thought this would never happen. Not for a long time.

"It's me honey-" She smiled as she extended her arms out for me to jump into.

She felt just the same. I squeezed tight and never wanted to leave. She was Radiant. I guess heaven will do that to ya.

"But if you're here and I'm there. That means-"

"That you are Dead."

"Wow, don't sweeten it at all-" I replied back to her, letting go, giving her a weak smile.

"Sorry Honey but it's just the truth."

"Yeah, I know. So do we hold hands and go into that together or something?" I questioned pointing to the massive light sector towards the back of the room.

"No, only I go through. You have to stay here and get back into your body-"

"What do you mean? Why can't I go with you?" Tears began to blur my vision and I had to sit down. I pulled out one of the chairs from the far table and sat down.

Sam's eyes were as red as can be. He couldn't cry anymore. Not with still holding the babies and rocking them back and forth gently. He kept his attention on Dean who wouldn't let go of Emily's hand. But what caught his attention was a chair moving out and back in. By itself.

"Emily?" Sam muttered through his hoarse voice.

"Sam, just stop. Please-" Dean kept his head on Emily's hands.

"No- I-I think Emily's spirit is here. The chair just moved back there." Sam stood up, glancing down at Dean who peered in his direction as he walked over to the chair.

"Emily, honey. It's not your time yet. You are young and very beautiful. You have two very very beautiful children now that need you more than ever. I would love nothing more than for you to come with me but, again, it's not your time."

Single tears dropped down my face as I lifted my head to her eye level. She brought her hands to my cheeks and whipped the tears away.

"Emily?" I turned around noticed Sam standing over top of me.

"Sam! Can you see me?" I turned from him back to Mom.

"No, you're a spirit right now. But he did see you move the chair a bit ago."

"Well, how do I contact with him? I-I think I know how I can come back but I-I need to tell them all what to do." I stood back up and Sam immediately back away and Dean came up closer.

"Emily-" Dean threw at me as I tried to touch his cheek but I passed right through. He must have felt it as he immediately clenched his jaw where I passed through.

"Dean it's me! I-I'm here." I yelled at him but he heard or saw nothing. I had to contact him a different way.  "Mom, w-what do I do?"

"I'm not sure Emily but it will come soon. Just remember and think back. I love you very very much. I am always watching and listening. I can't want to watch my little grandchildren grow up!"

"Mom," I cut myself off by crashing back into her stomach. "I-I never stopped missing you. I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for being the best mom ever!"

"I love you too honey. Now, be with your children and grow old. Live a happy life and watch out for your father, he needs you." Mom let me go before walking face to face with Dean. She cupped his cheek, or well tired too, and gave him a small kiss before walking back into the light. "I'll always be with you. Remember that-" She smiled and turned back to the light. It was gone in seconds.

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