The Last Straw

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It took us a solid two weeks to come up with a good plan of attack on Dillan. Everyone agrees with it except for Dean. 

"Hell no, Emily! I will not let you do that....again!"

"Just as bait! I swear! I would never leave you guys again. Just long enough to seduce Dillan and Cas will intervene. I can do this-"

Dean slammed his fists on the table in the library and then proceeded to run his fingers through his hair. "Guys? Anything to say?"

"I thinks it's the only plan we got and we have to do it as soon as possible-"

"Not helping, Sam."

"Dean, it will be okay. I am stronger now and we can use the babies power against Dillan but we gotta remove the rib signals now." I told him with assurance in my voice.

Dean huffed again before throwing his hands up in defeat. "Fine-"

"Okay so let's go over this one more time before we start-"

Last Week:

"Where do we even begin Cas?" I muttered closing yet another book finished.

"I'm not sure. No talk above about anything. No ones heard from him."

"Awesome. This is just freakin awesome-" Dena slammed his shut and chugged the rest of his beer down.

"Relax Dean. We will get him. Just gotta figure out where to really look-" I got up from my chair to put my book away before grabbing a new one. "You guys have fun reading I'm going to check on the babies." I said sarcastically as I clapped my hands together.

"I'm coming," Dean stated kicking his feet off the table and standing up. "I could use a break from the reading. Too much "Geek" for me." He directed that last one towards Sam who just sat there rolling his eyes.

I grabbed Dean's arms and wrapped mine around his as we headed to the babies room. Opening the door, we heard the cutest little mumbles of baby talk. Walking closer, both babies were playing with their feet and rolling all around.

"Seems we got two little energizer bunnies-" Dean commented scooping Charlotte up into his arms and playing with her little hands.

"She's nearly four months old and she already has you wrapped around her little fingers." I commented as I picked up Parker and held him up in the air to pretend he was flying before bringing him back into my arms.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for beautiful babies. And I could say the same for you- Parker gonna be a mama's boy?" He chuckled as he continued to play with Charlotte.

"Hey! Ain't nothing bad about that- They both have me wrapped around their little fingers. Forever and always." I noted giving a kiss to Parkers head.

"Hey guys, hey babies! We got a lead-" Sam rushed into the room taking a moment to wave to the babies in which Dean and I helped them wave back to Sam. We didn't want to put them down so we did a baby switch and brought them into the library with Sam and Cas.

"What you guys got?" I asked siting down next to Dean in the library chairs.

"We have plan but it involves using you as bait- you up for it?" Sam asked looking over at Dean first who was definitely not up for it. "I'll go on- so we get you into a room somewhere where Dean and I can draw up this symbol," He pushed the book over to Dean and I and showed us a sigil of some sorts.

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