In Present Time

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The heavy metal door slammed behind me. I slowly walked down the stairs. Wincing every step. I was coming back from a hunt by myself. I said I could handle it. And I did. But, I wasn't going to get away clear. My thy was sliced open, blood seeping out of the bandage I had made. A few of my fingers were broken and bruises covered my body.

I got to the bottom and fell from the pain.

I faintly heard Sam and Dean talking in the back round. I tried to stay awake but I pain kept hitting me down. I got a little strength to push myself up.

Sam and Dean talking in the kitchen when they heard the Door slam.

"Em must be home." Dean got up and Sam followed. They walked through the halls and finally reached to main hall way too see Em trying to stand up.

"Emily! What the hell happend?!" Dean grabbed my arms and carried me over to my room and layed me on a bed.

"I-I just got into some trouble during the hunt. The dam s-spirit didn't want to die. But I-I got him. Eventually." Sam pulled down bandage on my leg and he immediately put it back up and applied pressure.

"Em you should've called us."

"Dean I-I was fine."

"Well obviously you weren't."

"Dean, this doesn't look good."

"Well I'll-I'll call Cas." Dean left the room. I think. I can't really see anything away from these stupid black dots. Sam was still next to me squeezing my thy to stop the bleeding. It hurt like hell. Waiting for Dean to get back I rested my head back and closed my eyes.

"Emily. You gotta stay awake."

"But I'm tired. Really tired." I began to close my eyes again until a gust of wind caught my attention. A figure came over to me and I felt two very warm fingers in my forehead. Then in seconds nothing. No pain. I blinked a few times so the black spots went away and Cas was standing in front of me. Sam let go of my leg and Dean stood at the foot of the bed. I sat up and realized everything was healed.

"Thanks Cas."

"Your welcome Emily." We shared soft smiles.

"You feeling good Em?"

"Yeah I'm good Dean."

"Last time we let you out on your own."

"Oh chill you little girl. I'm fine on my own," I stood up from the bed and stretched my back. It cracked a few times. Which felt amazing! "Do you guys have coffee in the kitchen? Or food? I could use both."

"Yeah we got some there. I might need to make a new pot of coffee though."

"Thanks Sam."

I looked down at my legs and stretched the hole I bit. "Aw man! I loved this pair of jeans. Hopefully the blood will come out."

"Wow. You just almost died and all you care about is your pants..."

"Yeah Dean. I don't shop often so I depend on what I got. Now if you two don't mind I would love to get after Sam about that coffee and potentially food." Dean grabbed my arm before I left the room.

"Em, I'm being serious. Come on now."

"Dean, seriously. I'm fine. I always am because of Cas. These things happen."

"Not all the time though."

"Yes. Not all the time but when they do, you just gotta move in and look towards brighter days. I learned that from you-" He released my arm and I pointed him right in the chest. I kissed his cheek and headed towards the kitchen. Sam put on a pot of coffee for me and I waited for it to be done. But in the mean time I went over to the fringe to see what food they had.

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