Just Give Her Time

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Eventually the knocking silenced, the voices outside the door ceased from conversation voices, to whispers, to mumbles, now.....nothing.

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and pushed myself off the ground. Walking over to my bed I stopped in front of the mirror. I lifted my shirt and began to cry again.

"I'm pregnant! This-This can't be happening-" I covered my mouth so they couldn't hear me cry. Slowly, I walked over to my bed and curled myself into a ball. "I-I was so happy this morning. N-Now look at me! I can't handle these swings." My anxiety is flying through the roof. I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down but nothing helped. I heard the door open. "Go away guys- I don't want to talk-" But it was Eileen. She didn't say anything. All she did was walk in and come into my bed with me. She pulled me close to her and she rubbed my back. She just cradled me till I fell asleep. How did I get lucky to have such an amazing friend?

"Just breathe Em. Just breathe. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere. I promise that."

As she continued to soothe me, my eyes couldn't stay open anymore. My breathing slowed and I fell asleep.

Next morning waking up, I jolted seeing someone next to me.

"Emily, easy, it's Cas." He came over and sat on the side of my bed as I was waking up and stretching. I said nothing. "Okay, I see that you are still upset. But let's get you some food and we can talk more."

"No Cas-" I snapped back at him. "I-I-I'm not okay with any of this anymore. I don't want to talk. Just leave me alone right now." My heart said to stay and hold me in your arms but my brain labeled him as a toxin and his poison growing inside of me.

"Emily please-"

"Cas, I ca-" I was interrupted by a warm liquid beginning to form in my throat. I pushed past Cas, holding my hand of over my mouth. The bathroom was open so I ran in and flipped up the toilet seat and let my hand go. Morning sickness. Great. Another reason I hate being pregnant.

"Emily! I'm here." Cas came over and bent down next to me, rubbing my lower back. I wiped my mouth and pushed Cas away from me.

"I told you. I need some space." I pushed him out the bathroom door where Sam and Dean stood starring at me. "What?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine Dean. Just a little morning sickness, get used to it. It will be happening." I slammed the door on all of their faces. I undressed and headed into the shower. But before I stopped to look in the mirror. I looked down at my stomach.

There is a baby in here.

A living thing.

Inside of me.

I cupped my hands around my stomach and felt a slight pain in my gut that sent me back a few steps. Once I got my balance I continued to my shower.

Cas POV with Sam and Dean:


Emily shut the door right in front of us.

"Cas? What the hell was that?! I told you not to make her upset-" Dean growled at me with rage in his eyes.

"She's just upset. Hormones and morning sickness got the best of her I believe. It will pass."

"It better Cas. She needs to be okay with all of this. And you need to help her. Anything she needs you get. Got it?"

Dean pointed right at my chest. "Yes Dean. I promise I won't leave her. But I don't think she wants to see me right now."

"Then maybe you oughta leave." Dean turned around and headed down the hallway.

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