She Needs Her Time

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I woke in a hospital. The beeps of the machines pulling me through my subconscious and into the reality. Finally opening my eyes, I noticed I was still pregnant and the three men were in the back of the room.

Was that all a very horrible but very vivid dream? Is this real?

"D-Dean?" I coughed out his name and he came running over.

"Hey baby girl. How you feeling?"

"What happened?" I asked bring one hand to my head and using the other to push my body up.

"We found you outside, your water broke and you passed out-" Sam commented taking a seat on the end of the bed.

"You've been out for a few hours, we were getting scared for a moment." Dean placed a kiss on my head as he tucked my hair around my ear.

"How are you feeling Emily? Any contractions?" Cas asked grabbing my hand and kissing the back.

"Nothing ye-" I was cut off by an excruciating pain in my abdomen. I grabbed tighter onto Cas' hand and Dean grabbed my other. "I-I'm sorry if I'm hurting you. This feels like a bitch!" I squeezed harder as the pain began to spike.

"It-It's okay Ems." Dean said with a soft smile. I knew I was killing his hand but he pushed through for me.

Finally the pain ended and I let go slowly, sweating from the energy I just used. "Do I have to go through that again? I thought I asked for all the drugs-" I asked looking over at Dean.

"You were asleep..."

"I don't care! Go get me the damn doctor! I want everything!" I yelled at Dean as he began to walk out, holding his hand close to his body. Sam and Cas watched Dean moved towards the door and began to laugh. "You too! All of you! Get the hell out of my room- come back when you have the freakin drugs." I whaled throwing my head back onto my pillow.

Cas left my bed sit and Sam picked himself off the bed to walk over to Dean. The three looked back at me and I flicked my wrist opening the door in front of them. "Go-Now! Before I have to get out of this bed and kick your asses myself-" They all left and Cas closed the door slowly behind him.

Taking in a few breathers, I closed my eyes to try and prepare for the next contraction.

"Oh I do love it when you're all sassy!"

My body woke with a jolt as I saw Dillan in front of me.

"Dillan- get out of here!"

"Aw, why? I want to see the birth of my new soldiers!"

"They will never be with you!" I yelled at him as he got closer.

"Oh yeah?" Dillan snapped his fingers and instantly placed restrictions on my hands and feet.

"Dillan! Enough. Please-" I begged him but he wouldn't budge.

"Well, since you won't give me the babies, I'll have to take them." He came over to where he was towering over me and began to pull back my gown to see my stomach. "Nice undies-"

"Enough you perv! Let me go-" I squirmed all around the bed trying to get loose from these restraints.

"Not yet-" He popped out his angel blade and teased my stomach by dragging it around. Making small gashes upon my skin.

"Dillan, Please don't do this. I'm begging you.-" Tears began to flow from my eyes. I-I knew I wasn't getting out of this.

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