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Week 21 or Month 5:

It has been another dry spell with Dillan. No contact with me and nothing surfacing around heaven. He just left. But, knowing his mother, he'll be back.

Good news, one more month and the babies will be here. My stomach has grown so much it's affecting my whole body. My ankles swollen, legs hurt, and I was sweating as much as Sam. We both had to have fans on us when slept and were in the library. It was super annoying.

I've also been having these nightmares about the babies and the birth. I would toss and turn all night from dreaming about the pain of the birth until I sprung awake drenched in sweat. They are not fun to keep having.

Besides all that has been not surfacing today was Christmas Eve. Last week, the four or well the six of us headed to Roger's tree lot. We picked out the perfect tree. Taller than me but shorter than Sam. It was perfect for the bunker. We set it up in the corner of the Library.

Dean and Sam grabbed the decoration boxes from the past years. We always strung lights all around and made the bunker very festive. Dean didn't like the decorations at first, but I've definitely softened him over the years.

Bobby and Carmen had come up again this year for the week. They first came up 5 years ago when Sam, Dean, and I first moved in and they have been coming for Christmas ever since. Family tradition you could say.

It was relaxing having all of our friends and family around. I invited Eileen for my sake and little for Sam's. They have been talking for awhile now and I think are ready to take the next step. Very excited for them!

Everything was perfect, well, except for Dean heavily spiking the Egg Nog as a joke. Such a four year old. But a four year old with a alcohol problem. Not a very good combination.

"Okay everyone, grab your gift-" I had a box for everyone. We all were in the Library talking and having a good time with each other.

"Em, you didn't need to get us anything." Dean smiled as he took his box.

"Oh this? Yes, I definitely needed to get this for all of you! Open them!" Everyone began to open their boxes and laugher spread over the room. I got everyone there own onesie with the Moose and Squirrels on it to wear for a family picture.

"Really Em?" Dean rolled his eyes, forming a little smirk while he pulled the onesie from the box.

"What in the hell?" Bobby pulled his out and held it against his body.

"Everyone put them on so we can get a family photo!" I pulled mine over my clothes and started to mush everyone in front of the tree. Sam was the first one with his on, then Carmen, then Dean, and I had to help Cas with his on.

"I am not wearing this." Bobby threw it back into the box.

"Like hell you're not. Put it on right now Robert! I want my fun family photo!" I demanded sending a shock towards Bobby who began to slowly grab the onesie and pull it over his clothing.

"This better not be going anywhere-" Bobby stated walking towards the back of the group.

"Where is it going to go Bobby? We have no friends-" I answered back getting nods from both Sam and Dean. "Okay, everyone ready? One- Two- Three-"


"Can we take these off now-" Bobby asked already zipping it down and pulling it off his arms.

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