In Front Of Everyone

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"Looks like we are bringing in a baby Boy and Girl to our family!"

"Congratulations! One girl is better than none!"

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Eileen stood up and wrapped her arms around me. Leaving a little room for my belly in between us. We let go when I gave out a gasp and looked down towards my stomach. Everyone stopped talking and stared at my stomach. There was a glowing yellow light that pulsed when one of the babies kicked.

"Emily what was that?" Dean walked over past Sam and pulled out a chair for me. I gently sat down and pulled up my shirt to show the light pulse going away.

"I'm fine- I'm fine. Seems the babies are excited too. And strong. Boy, what a kick!"

"Are you sure you're okay? What was that light on your stomach?" Dean kept rambling off questions, but we were interrupted before I could answer.

"That would be the some if the delicious power that your babies are starting to receive." Dean turned and stood in front of me to block me  from Dillan.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh my sincere apologies. My name is Dillan. Pleased to finally make your acquaintances Mr.Winchesters and friend. Fine daughter you have there."

"Hey! Back off buddy or so help me-" Dean pulled out his gun just for his own benefit.

"What are you going to do? Have your little angel friend stop me. Yeah, okay- He doesn't have my power." With the snap of his fingers, he slammed Eileen, Sam, Dean, and Cas into the book shelves then made them stuck to the floor. I wasn't thrown but yet was stuck to the chair and couldn't move.

"Dillan, why are you here? Stop harassing Emily." I caught Cas's eye. He was trying his hardest to fight back from Dillan's restraint but it wasn't working.

"Harassing? I've only acquainted myself with her once. Well, now twice."

"Yes, in which you could've hurt the babies and you very much hurt her." Cas sounded so frighten but I kept glancing at him to tell him that I was okay.

"Oh those babies are perfectly fine." Dillan walked up the steps the the main hall and came face to face with me. He bent down to where we were eye level and placed both of this hands on my stomach.

"Hey get your hands off of me you perv." I tried to move away from his touch but his hold was too strong.

"Relax Emily, I'm not hurting you or the babies. Just checking in on my two favorite people in the entire universe. Which seems to be a Boy and a Girl. Congratulations. Nice idea with the piecaken. It's delicious." He lifted his hands off me and dug his grimy fingers though the pies.

"Shut up and leave us alone." I snapped at him, hopping he would just take off already.

"Hey, watch your tone with me missy. I come here, all respectful like and all I get is hate. I don't like this at all."

"Well then why don't you just leave dumbass." That comment landed me a slap on my cheek. It sent a zap through my whole body.

"Hey! Don't hurt her! Just leave her alone you son of a bitch!" Dean hated to see me hurt. Because it hurt him a million times worse than what was happening to me.

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