Let's Tell Them

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"Oh shut up Dean."

I opened the trunk and handled Sam a few bags. Then to Dean.

"Is there a guy we should know about? Are you having sex with this guy?"

I stopped cold in my tracks but knew I had to keep going to hide my expressions.

"What!? No. No guy."


"Dean, don't you think I've would've been hooking up with someone I would've told you."

"Well I would like to think so."

"Then your fine. I'm fine we're all fine. I'm 23 Dean, old enough to be with a guy and have sex if I want."

"Do we need the sex talk......again?"

"God no! Not again. That was so awkward last time."

"I agree with Emily, Dean. I-I think we're good."

Dean laughed as I grabbed the last few groceries and slammed the trunk shut.

Sam held the door open for Dean and I and I held the next door open for Sam and Dean. A little exchange in favors.

We placed all the bags on the island table in the kitchen, which still had my peanut butter from before I left at 5.

"Okay so I got our usual items and then just a whole lot more. Didn't really know what you wanted. So yeah."

"Jerky! Mine! Having it now." Dean ripped it out of Sam's bag.

"Young man you better share who the rest of the family."

Dean rolled his eyes "Yes Mother-"

"Hahaha good. Now how about a movie or just some TV tonight? A little relaxing family time!"

"Sounds good. What do you wanna watch?"

"Doesn't matter to me. Sam have any movies?"

"No. But we need to catch up on Game of Thrones. Wanna watch that?"

"Sure! I'll make some popcorn and meet you two in your room." We finished putting away all of the groceries and the two left to get the TV working in Sam's Room. I popped all the popcorn and brought it to his room.

"Hold on a sec guys let me go change."

"Wait- where are you going?" Dean stated getting up to grab a bowl of popcorn.

"I'm going to change. Got something a little while back on the way home from a hunt. It was too perfect to not get." I ran around the corner to get to my room. I lunged in and headed to my closet. A few hunts ago I was in my way home but had to pee, of course. And so I stopped and where I had stopped had a gift shop. I noticed the best onesie in the world.

I changed into it and ran back over to Sam's room. Both Sam and Dean were talking on the bed. "Okay. So what do you guys think?" I stood in a model pose. One hand on my hip the other in my forehead with my knee bent in. "See, if you look closely is had little moose and squirrels on it. Perfect for my moose and squirrel." I ran my fingers through Dean's hair playfully.

"Wow. Where did you find this?" Dean pulled up my arm getting a closer look at my onesie. Sam, on the other hand, smiled and looked happy, but secretly I think he was jealous I didn't get him a pair.

"My hunt with the Wendigo a few weeks ago. On the way home I stopped at this highway rest stop and this was in the inside. I couldn't resist. And now I have something for movie night!"

"Yeah I want a pair!"

"I promise next time I go out I'll get you a pair Sam."

"Ha yeah. That won't be for awhile." I rolled my eyes at Dean and he looked over at Sam. "Really? You want a pair? How old are you." I made a little laugh as I grabbed myself a bowl of popcorn.

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