What Did You Say?

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I heard the beeping of machines in the background. Along with some quiet murmuring. I felt fuzzy, like I drank a whole bottle of whiskey or got hit in the head too hard. I was so tired but some how got the strength to open my eyes. They fluttered for a bit before my eyes fully opened up to a baby blue colored room.

I took a deep breath not really wanting to be awake. So it was more like a deep sigh.

Sam was talking to Dean in the back of the room away from Emily's bed. Sam turned past Dean's shoulder and noticed Emily moving.

"Dean! Look!" Sam pointed to Emily and Dean ran to her side. Cas walked in the room at the same moment holding three cups of coffee. He dropped them on the table and went to the foot of her bed.

"Hey Ems. Can you here me?"

I rolled my eyes to see everyone around. "C-Can I have some water?"

"Here ya go." Sam poured me a cup and handed it to me. My mouth felt like the desert cleansed by a rain storm. I pushed myself up a bit in the bed so I wasn't fully in my back.

"How long was I out for?"

"The whole night. They gave you some drugs so that's what's making you tired probably."

"Have you three been here the whole night?"

"Of course we were Em," Sam came over and grabbed my hand. "The only time we weren't here was for a coffee run. We wanted to be here in case you woke up."

"Thanks guys. But I just feel tired. And hungry. Very hungry."

"Well seeing that you threw up your entire dinner last night and it's 10 am and you haven't had breakfast yet. You might be hungry. I'll go get the doctor and tell her you're awake." He squeezed my hand and headed out the room patting Cas on the shoulder as he left.

"Hey Cas, would you mind just watching her. I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Yeah. I got her." Dean kissed the top of my hand and and headed into the bathroom and Cas came over to me slowly. He sat down in the chair next to me and I reached out for his hand.

"Hey babe."

"Hi Emily. How are you feeling? You scared me last night."

"I'm okay. But we never got to tell them."

"That's okay. Wasn't the right time I guess."

"I guess not. That was so strange. Hopefully the doctor has some answers for me."

"Well actually I know why you were like that....."

"You do? How? Wait- what is wrong with me?" As soon as I asked him the doctor opened the door and Dean opened his door from the bathroom. Cas let go and stood up from the chair. My eyes didn't leave him till the doctor began speaking.

"Miss Winchester, nice seeing you awake. You had your father pacing all night. How are you feeling?"

I gave her and Dean a little smile. "Okay I guess. A little groggy."

"That's to be expected. We gave you some medication if you still had any abdominal pain."

"Well no pain. Can I be taken off it?"

"That's very good to here and yes we can take you off the medication. Later, for now we are going to keep you for the rest of the day. Just for observation."

"Hey Doc," Dean butted in."Do you know why that happened to her?"

"I do actually." Dean, Sam, and Cas all starred at me. Hoping it was good news. Praying it was good news. "We are not 100% yet. But we came down to the conclusion that you are pregnant. Congratulations."

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