One Last Hunt Before

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I didn't sleep well. The babies moved around all night. Causing me to move around all night. I thought from what had happened just hours before that I would be exhausted but it was the complete opposite. I tossed and turned, pulling the covers up, and throwing them not being able to find a comfortable position all night.

I just gave up, throwing the covers off the bed and getting up. A yawn came over my body and I stretched my sore neck out.  Figuring it was very early in the morning, I glanced over at the alarms clock it read 11 in the morning.

"Damn, I was tossing and turning this long. Why the hell did no one wake me up?" Frustrated, I grabbed my robe and wrapped myself up. Opening the door, my senses led me straight towards the kitchen. Someone made cinnamon rolls and left the tray on the stove.

My frustration turned immediately into happiness. I brought myself to the stove and grabbed a plate from the cupboard to my left. Throwing four on my plate, I grabbed a water from the fridge and sat down in my usual spot along the table.

Taking a bite of one, my senses went to pure bliss. I closed my eyes and just savored the heavenliness. Lost in my own thought, I didn't hear Sam, Dean, or Cas enter the kitchen.

All three noticed Emily sitting down having a very intense moment with her food.

"Do we need to get you a room with your cinnamon rolls?" Dean muttered gaining a laugh from Sam.

My eyes slowly cracked open and I pointed them in there direction. "Maybe I do-" I replied back taking another bite of my roll.

Dean chuckled as he headed over to the coffee pot to pour more in his cup. Sam smiled and headed out of the kitchen for a moment when his phone rang. Cas came over and sat next to me, giving me a kiss on my temple.

"Hungry thing morning?" Dean sat down in front of me taking a sip of his coffee and pointed at the three remaining rolls on my plate.

Rolling my eyes, "I wanted two, Parker wanted one and Charlotte wanted one-" I smiled picking up another roll.

Dean took another sip of his coffee and set it down. He slowly lifted his head and his face began to light up. Sam grabbed himself a bottle and must have been listening also. "Emily, did you come up with the babies names?" Sam had a smile in his face as he sat down next to Dean with his paper and water in hand.

I turned towards Cas and looked him straight in the eyes before directing my attention down to my stomach. "I have. For my girl, Charlotte Isabella, and for my boy, Parker Dean."

"You're giving your son my name for his middle name?" Dean's eyes began to turn glassy as a happy tear was forming.

"Yes, of course Dean. Naming my children after my parents is something I have always wanted to do. To give them part of the love and strength you and mom have always and will always give me."

"Emily, I-I don't know what to say-" Dean got up from his chair and came around to me, engulfing me in a hug that sent comfort throughout my entire body. "I love you so much, you will be such an amazing mother, just like your mother. She would be so proud of you."

"I know she would. I love you too, Dad," Dean let go and I turned back around to finish my breakfast. "How do you like the names babe?" I turned towards Cas, dragging my hand through his hair, resting it on the back of his neck.

"They are beautiful Emily." He leaned forward and gave me a kiss in my lips. Just a quick one, not too much in front of Sam and Dean.

"Well I hate to break this beautiful moment but Bobby just called me and said he can't get anyone to head on out this wraith in Ohio."

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