That's It

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"If you're ready to talk, then we're all ears-" Dean stated, giving me a kiss on my temple.

"Well, I guess I'll just start from the very beginning," I moved around Dean and sat in the rocking chair. Each of them grabbed something small to sit on. At this moment I really felt like a mother telling her children a bed time story. This was a story that they sure wouldn't forget.

"I got up early the morning of your birthday. I couldn't sleep because of the night before. Which I still feel horrible about. I didn't mean to yell at you guys like that-" I pointed towards Dean as my eyes fell to the floor.

"Em, you had every right. We were always on top of you. You're fine." Sam replied back with a smile.

Smiling back, "Well, making my way outside I leaned up against the Impala when my water broke. And I tried to call you Dean but right at that moment, the pain shot at down my entire body. God, was that something I wasn't expecting. These little ones hurt like a bitch!" I said smiling down at little Charlotte who wouldn't let go of my finger. She was definitely already wrapped around my finger too.....

Taking a quick look at the guys in front of me their eyes burned of sorrow. They felt so guilty from what happened to me. But they wanted me to go on and that's what I did.

I cleared my throat before beginning to talk again, "As I began to crawl towards the phone, as the pain was too much to bare for walking, I felt a sudden stick in my neck and instantly passed out-"

"You were tranquilized?" Dean stood up, turning around to drag his hands through his hair and down his whole face.

"I wasn't sure. I zonked out." I muttered keeping my attention on Dean. Thinking more about what I was going to say next, my vision began to blur and I knew the tears were coming.

"I-I woke up in a hospital. Looking around I saw you three standing around me-"

"Us?" Sam asked as the single tears fell from my eyes.

"Yeah, I thought everything before was a dream and that you guys had just taken me to the hospital once you found me outside. Everything was good. Well except for the contractions." Sam drew back his hair around his ear and wipped down his face. Cas stood up to put Parker in his crib so motion to Sam to take Charlotte and he graciously accepted.

"More?" Dean asked finally turning around for me to see his puffy eyes.

"Yes. After going through the labor, which I pissed about because I didn't get any drugs, the doctor took Parker and Charlotte away and you three just froze. Saying nothing and staring blankly ahead. I asked and asked for you guys to bring them to me but when I got up you all pinned me down."

"That's why you jumped when we touched you. That's what I saw when I grabbed your arm." Cas asked sitting back down across from me.

"Yes, when you came into my room and found me on the ground I had a nightmare about that moment. It was horrible. You wouldn't movie an inch for me to get away. But once I finally did, I felt flat on the floor and wasn't in the hospital anymore."

"What you mean by that?" Sam asked glancing over at Dean and Cas.

"Dillan, it seemed was able to trick my mind into thinking you guys were with me and we were at a hospital. But reality, I was in some scum place that smelt horrible and looked like it had been abandoned for years. He was holding the babies in the back of the room. As I picked myself off the floor I fell back down and noticed the blood beginning to pool from my stomach." Trying my hardest to hold back the tears already streaming down there just was no use.

"D-Dillan had cut my stomach and taken the babies. Before I could get them back I was struck on the back on my head and was unconscious again. I woke up in a very small room. Dillan came in and basically explained to me what my life was going to be like. So what he told me was that I had to stay in this room until I was needed for just stay there forever."

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