They Were Fake

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"Hey Sam, sorry again about this morning. I didn't mean to barge in." I brought my head to the middle of the front seat directing my attention to Sam first. Then over to Dean who was trying to hold his laughter in but was doing a terrible job at it. So I slapped his shoulder.

"What was that for?"

"Because-" I jolted back at him.

"Em, it's okay. I understand." Sam replied to me with a soft smile.

"Good. I was really hoping my morning sickness would be gone but now I'm thinking it's certain foods. So be careful what you two eat, no more tuna in the bunker ever again!"

Reaching the store, Dean parked the car and turned off the engine. "Okay well you two go in.  I'll wait here. And wait for Cas too."

"No Dean, Cas is meeting us in there. You need to come in too. Understand some of this stuff with us."

"But I don't know anything-" He stated getting out of the drivers side like a little boy, dragging his feet.

"That's okay. I don't either. We are all going into this blindsided. Which is fine. Everything's going to be fine. But let's have fun, alright? This should be fun! We are picking things for the babies! Let's see smiles all day! Today's going to be a good day!" I wrapped my arms around Dean's and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I hope you didn't just jinx yourself. We are Winchester's after all." Dean stated as we began to get out of the car.

"We'll be fine- Look there's Cas waiting in front for us." I waved to Cas who was standing outside of the store. He began to walk over to us not noticing the car coming. I let go of Dean and sped up to him to make him stop. "Cas- Wait! Your going to get hit!" He crossed safely and I finally met up with him before Sam and Dean caught up. "You Asshat! You gotta look both ways before crossing. I don't want to loose you-" I slapped his should a few times before grabbing the collar of this coat.

"I did not look both ways. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Just do it next time. We need you to be alive-" He kissed my forehead before I leaned my head up so we connected lips. I grabbed his hand and we headed into the store with Sam and Dean right behind us.

"So Em, what's the game plan?" Dean asked looking all around at everything.

I was doing the same, "I honestly have no clue. I guess we'll know when we see it-" I shrugged my shoulders and began looking around.

"Hi, could I help you find anything?" A kind worker asked me as she was stocking the shelves up.

"I think we're good, well, actually would you mind helping? We have no clue what we are shopping for!"

"Sure. I would love to help- First one?"

"Yes, and twins."

"How exciting! Well let's start with the basics-" She headed over to the cribs.

I turned back to the guys, "Take a cart and go get simple things. Bottles, binkies, blankets, etc. I'll be over in a bit." I headed off to catch up with the worker.

They were very confused on what to do. It was quite entertaining to watch as they scrambled around the store throwing things in the cart.

The women had brought me through everything I wanted. A baby blue and a light pink crib. The most adorable cloud sheets and plenty of clothes. We also gathered up on toys and other necessities I will be needing. She rung everything up for me at the front desk and held it all for me until we were done. I headed towards the back of the store where the boys were playing with something.

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