Babies Times Two

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"Ems? You waking up now?" Is what I heard as well as the faint beeps of a machine as my eyes began to open up. The first thing I did was bring my hand to my neck where I remember begin struck with something. Feeling nothing I brought my hand down and noticed a symbol on my palm. I wasn't able to get to thinking to much about it when I was hit with a contraction.

"Wait- I-I'm in labour. I'm having the babies-" I muttered out through the pain. My eyes popped open. Last thing I remember was passing out next to the Impala. Sam or Dean must have gotten me here.

"Yes, sweetheart. We're at the hospital. Came a little too late for the drugs. But you are almost fully dilated. Just a little while longer until we see those beautiful babies." Dean squeezed my hand and I turned to see Cas next to me.

"Cas! It's time. Our babies are coming!" I grabbed his hand and squeezed hard.

"Yeah Emily. You're doing great." Cas bent down and planted a kiss on my lips reassuring me I could do this.

"Knock knock, can I come in?" Dr.Aleong pushed open the door. "How's my favorite patient doing?"

"Horrible! This pain! It hurts like a Bitch." I squeezed onto Cas and Dean's hands as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Well, child birth will do that to you. Let me have a quick check and see how far along you are-" I nodded to her action and glanced back up at Dean who brushed the hair out my face. "Well looks like you're ready to push, fully dilated- you ready Emily?" The Doctor stood up and began getting ready in the back of the room.

"Guys, I'm not ready. I can't do this. It-It hurts too much." Sam, Dean, and Cas all surround the bed.

"Ems, you can this. Sometimes the best things come from pain." Dean cupped cover my hand and kissed the top of it. "But you gotta be brave okay? Your mother would be so proud of you. I am, we all are. You are the strongest person we know. You can do this."

"Emily, we all believe in you. You got this. Just give it your all-" Cas bent down and kissed my temple.

"Don't think about the pain. Think about the beautiful babies that you are bringing into this world. We all believe in you!" Sam gave me a reassuring smile before budging Dean out of the way to kiss the top of my sweaty head. I nodded back to him and Dean took back over his position.

"Ready now?" The Doctor came back over and set me all up.

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess-" I began taking deep breaths in as she asked me to start pushing. After the first 10 second count I laid my head back down and began panting from the pressure. I continued to hold both Dean and Cas' hand the entire time. I was surprised their bones weren't broken yet.

"Strong grip you got here Em. But you're good. Keep going sweetheart-" Dean smiled through his pain. I couldn't ask for a more supportive family.

"Okay Emily. Just a few more pushes before your first baby is out." I closed my eyes and began to cry. Defeat crossed over my entire body.

"No...its too much. I-I can't." I closed my eyes and felt the tears fill up.

Cas brought my hand to where he could kiss it. "Yes you can Emily. Keep going. Almost there."

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