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Dean and I sat together in silence. His head rested on top of mine and my body wrapped around his. Our hearts beating in perfect symmetry. Too bad Mom wasn't around anymore.....

*Knock, Knock*

"Hey, didn't mean to interrupt you guys. Just have your food Em." Sam and Cas were back. Sam slowly opened the door farther reveling the food in both of their hands.

"Food! I'm starving." I pushed Dean over and he got up off the bed to grab my food from Sam.

"I see where I stand between you and your food."

"Sorry but this girl has nothing in her stomach. She has to eat."

He turned back around at sat the food in my lap and seated himself in one of the chairs next to me. Sam and Cas took the table for two that was on the left side of my against the window. There was a single seat next to the left side of my bed, identical to the one Dean was in in the right but no takers. I sucked down a burger and a medium fry pretty fast. All three just looked at me in awe when I went reaching for another burger. "What are you guys looking at?" I stated wiping the ketchup from the corner of my mouth.

"You just ate that all in under 5 minutes." Sam was the first to speak beginning to laugh while holding his burger in hand.

"Well I haven't eaten in awhile and seeing that I'm eating for two now remember. I'm guessing me appetite will have me wanting more."


"Just checking in. But I see you're awake now and eating, would you mind if I took that sample now? Faster I take it, faster you can go home-"

"Come in, no offense to you, but I really want to get out of here."

"I feel the same ways sometimes."

I pushed Dean out of the chair next to me to make room for the Doctor. The three continued to eat and watch the doctor took my blood.

"Lunch and a show- sounds good to me."

"Wow Dean." I rolled my eyes while beginning to laugh. She cleaned off my arm with a alcohol wipe that had a sent which burned my nostrils. I looked away from my arm so didn't see the needle go it. I caught Sam giving me a very sarcastic thumbs up. Trying to get my mind of the *Ouch*. That. My mind off that pinch. I turned back over and the blood went through a little tube into a small vile.

"Annnnd you are done. I will have these results in a about a 20 minutes. Then afterwards we will get you some papers to fill out and some to bring home. Just get plenty of rest and drink your fluids if I let you go out early. But when you are ready get changed and meet me at the front desk. Few things to talk to you about."

"Thank you. Will do." She smiled and headed out of the room, shaking Dean's hand on the way out. "So, what is the plan for when we get home?" I stated as I played around with the bandage on my arm.

"Well that's up to you. But if I were pregnant I wouldn't be doing much. Not until we know all of the details of this baby Em. I don't want you hurting yourself."

"Well I just want life to go back to how it was Dean."

"It won't ever be the same. But it's not a bad thing. Change can be good sometimes."

"But I'm still going on hunts and doing what I can to help. You can't keep me from hunting."

"Emily, what if you hurt the baby?" Cas interjected.

"I'll be fine. Right now there is nothing showing anyways. And there won't be for a while."

"Well Nephilim grow faster than a normal pregnancy so you will gain a belly fast. So it might get in the way of hunting."

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