Author Note

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Well. Uh. I don't know what to say. I'm crying.

I'm such a sap!

The series is over but I am definitely not ever going to stop writing!

Thank you for everyone who reads these books. I can't thank you enough how much they have changed me. Opened my horizon and allowed me to believe in myself.

Growing up, I hated reading. I hated writing. But loved to dream. Loved to create "movies" in my head. Exploring those ideas this past year I found how much writing brings those "movies" alive. I feel with my characters. I see where they are placed, I hear their screams and cries. It's the best feeling in the universe.

Now, before I finish my last writing on this series, I want to tell all of you to never EVER give up. Fight for what you want. Fight for what you believe. Don't follow the standards. Have fun with life. You only have one...yes, sadly we are all not real Winchester's. But I digress, be true to yourself. Start something you are new to, expand your horizons, meet new people. Make a difference in this world.

I hope I continue to give you quality books and you enjoy my writings.

I love you all so very very very much.

Thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart for changing my life.

Melanie Morgan

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