Not Good. Not Good.

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*Knock, Knock*

"Hey Eileen!" She pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Emily. Ready for a glam day?!"

"Honestly I haven't had one in since my mom was alive. So I have no clue what to look for."

He pulled me in and shut the door behind me.

"Shouldn't be too hard. I hope." She replied back to me making us both laugh. "Want anything before we go?"

"I would love a cup of coffee if you have any-"

"Of course I do."

"Awesome. Thanks," Eileen headed over to the kitchen. "Hey, thanks for helping me on your day off. You really don't have too if it's too much."

Talking from the kitchen, "No problem Emily. I'm always here for you since you don't have any other girls in the bunker, I enjoy our time together."

"Me too." I said as she placed the cup in my hands, signaling me to sit down on the couch.

"So, tonight's the big night."

"It is....." I took a sip of coffee.

Back round with Eileen:

The Sam, Dean, Cas, and I of us did a hunt with her the first year living in the bunker. We didn't know she was a hunter to begin with. Just a pedestrian trying to help. And she helped a lot. But she explained to us later how she was trying to hunt this thing for years. That's why she knew so much about it. She is deaf so it was hard to understand her at first. Sam helped with communication.  She is amazing hunter. After we departed our ways she called Sam one day and said she wanted to get back into hunting. So now she lives right outside of the town of Lebanon. Close enough to visit. It's nice to have anther female around sometimes. She helped me learn sign language so we could communicate that way. It's pretty cool. We get together a few times and just talk. And lastly, she knows eveything about Cas and I. From the very beginning to now.


"So how do you think they will react?"

"I don't know. I could see Sam being okay with it. But Dean on the other hand will be furious. But since I'm doing it at some fancy restaurant, I'm hoping he won't make too much of a public scene. But it's Dean and well he doesn't care so....we'll see."

"Well we can talk more while shopping! Let's get going."

"Sounds good!" We got back into my Dodge Charger and headed out to a few stores. After three hours we finally found my dress. It was black with a golden striped bottom. A bit flowly along the bottom and tight at the top. With a pair of simple black heels. Eileen and I loved this dress and knew when we saw it, it was meant for me. Next we were off to the nail salon. Afterwards we headed back home. I pulled the Dodge into her drive way. And we sat there for a second.

"Thank you so much Eileen. I don't know where I would be without you! I am so happy we are friends."

"Me too Em!" She gave me a hug.

"Okay, seeing that it is already four o'clock, I'm going to make the reservations at the restaurant and text Sam and Dean and Cas."

"Let's head inside. I'll help you with your hair and make up."

I smiled giving her another hug. She opened the door for me because I carried my dress and shoes in. I placed them in the front room for now. We sat on the couch and began planning the dinner.

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