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I walked back down to my room, slamming my door, flopping into my bed and squished my face in my pillow. I screamed into it. Not caring if they heard, I just really needed to yell.

Turning back over a had a great idea for a stress reliever. Opened my door and headed towards the gun range. Before I got there I stopped into Dean's room to grab his gun. His Colt M1911A1. I loved the engraved slides and ivory grips. It is .45 caliber (.45 ACP), standard with 7-round magazines. It's my favorite. His too. I knew he would mind.....too much. I stuck it in the back of my pants and hurried out of his room to the range.

It hasn't been used in a while so there was dust in each of the shooting boxes. I choose the one right in the middle, grabbing a box of ammunition, I loaded my clip and put an extra one on the side.


The sound hurt every time but I let it. I just kept going until my clip was out.



Sam had just left Dean in the kitchen when he heard the gun shots. Dean peered out the doorway, only assuming the worst.

"She would never. She couldn't-" Sam dropped his laptop on the ground and ran towards Emily's room with Dean right behind. Sam grabbed the door handle, trying to swallow the lump in his throat he flung the door open and to their relief Emily wasn't in there.

"What where the shots?" Sam turned towards Dean who was sitting at the edge of Emily's bed.


"I know where she is-" Dean got up and waved towards Sam to follow. "She's in the gun range." They both headed over to the range when they were stopped by Eileen.

"Hey guys, Em in her room?"

"No. She's in the gun range-"


"Probably just blowing off some steam. Rough morning." Dean sighed and dug his hands through his hair.

"Okay, well let's go-" She let Dean lead the way, staying back with Sam.

They reached the door, "Guys, where's Cas- shouldn't he be here?"  Eileen asked looking at Sam then Dean.

Again Dean sighed, "He was a main component in the rough morning...."

Eileen nodded her head. Dean pushed the door open slowly. They noticed Emily in the middle box and repeatedly shooting at the target. Emily didn't notice them, continuing to shoot. Dean slowly got closer to her and was about to call her name but instead said," Hey! That's my gun-"

I jumped and flung my arms around, pointing the gun directly at Dean.

"Woah, Em. Don't shoot." His hands were raised toward his face showing a sign of surrender. I noticed Eileen standing next to Dean and Sam standing next to her.

"I'm not going to shoot you Dean-"
I kept the gun by my side, gliding my thumb across the smooth handle. I brought my head up, showing Dean my red, puffy eyes. I figured he noticed them when he began to frown and get worried.

"Em, Eileen's here to talk-"

"I don't want to talk-" I snapped my attention back around and shot some more.


"Em, come on. Let's go sit somewhere or go for a drive."

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