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Dean grabbed my arms and pulled me off the floor so Sam could get up. I wiped my red eyes and began to instantly blush from a little embarrassment and silence.

"Come here, let's go out somewhere- get some food, do something." Eileen grabbed my arm, pulling me to her embrace. We walked out of the range leaving Sam and Dean behind.

"God Sam. She's only been pregnant a few days and it's hit her this hard. How is she going to make it through 9 months."

"Well actually Nephilim don't need 9 months to come to full term. More like 6. So around January. Hey- a birthday present!" Dean gave Sam his bitch face and rolled his eyes. They headed out of the range just in time to see the girls leave for a bit.

"Be safe guys. Call if you need anything." I smiled at Dean as Eileen and I headed up the stairs.

"We will. See you guys later." Eileen waved back to them and we headed to her car.


"Cas- where the hell have you been?"

"I was in heaven Dean. I was watching-"

Dean cut Cas off, "Well while you were out galavanting, Emily almost killed herself."

"What? Is she okay?"

"Yeah Cas she's fine. I said something's to her that flipped a switch in her mind. I think she wants the baby now." Sam replied to Cas.

"That good news. Right Sam?"

Dean replied back this time, "Of course that is Cas. We need Emily to be happy through this. I mean she's the one with the baby."

"I know Dean. I will be here. But before you interrupted me I was going to say I was watching in heaven. To see what people have heard me what they would do about it."


"Every angel has heard-"

"Fan-Freakin-Tastic Cas. Just great. Now what? Is Emily in any danger?" Dean rolled his eyes before slamming his hand onto the map table.

"No, not right now but one angel, Haditel, or he goes by, Dillan now. There was something about him, but I can't remember it. We just need to be cautious about him"

"Awesome- Well when Emily gets back we will explain explain everything to her. She needs to know everything we know." Cas nodded in agreement. "Now who needs a beer?"

"I'll take one." Sam raised his hand to Dean and Cas shook his head 'no'. Dean headed to the kitchen, wrapping his head around what to do and how to protect Emily and the baby.

Week One:

Last week I got back to the bunker Dean informed me that an angel named Dillan maybe after me and my baby. No breaks for me. Gotta continue to fight through everyday. Despite the everyday morning sickness I felt fine. Cas was there with anything I needed. Sam and Dean were making some pretty amazing food for me.

Waking up with a small yawn, I grabbed an old flannel if Dean's and headed towards the kitchen. Walking in, I sat down at the island table, right in front of the stove.

"You guys don't have to keep making me food. I mean its delicious but it's really not needed guys."

"Em- you need good food. Especially eating for two now." I looked down at my belly and rubbed the small bump beginning to form.

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