Not Actually A Chapter

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This is really just to brief you on the story before I start writing it. First of all, this is a reader insert. I will be using female pronouns simply because I don't know that many guys who read fanfiction, but if requested (lol right like anyone will actually request anything... ever... *goes to emo corner*) then I might do a separate story or something.

Second, this will take place during phase two. Phase one is my favorite, but I want Noodle to be able to properly talk to Reader-chan, so phase two it is.

Third... no smut... or stuff like that... sorry, but I don't really feel comfortable writing that, so... no.

Fourth, sorry if I don't include certain characters enough. If you think the story doesn't have enough interactions with Russel or Noodle or Murdoc or even 2D (although I will have messed up majorly if that one happens), feel free to tell me.

Fifth, I don't know why I feel like mentioning this, but this story does contain swearing. But you're Gorillaz fans, I doubt you care.

And finally, if you aren't a fanfiction geek like me, here are some of the... reader insert terms...? I don't know what they're called... that I'll use.

(Y/N)= Your Name

(H/C)= Hair Color

(Y/H/C)= Your Home Country

(F/F)= Favorite Food

(F/G/S)= Favorite Gorillaz Song (but it's so hard to chooseeeee...)

(Y/RT)= Your Ringtone

(F/R)= Favorite Restaurant

I'll add new definitions each time I use a new... Whatever they're called, I'm sure someone's given them a name by now. If I forget, please let me know. Anyways... I should probably start working on the actual story that you came for. Or maybe my science project which is the last grade of the year and therefore very important and is also due tomorrow.


Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now