Chapter Five- Introductions

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(A/N: just spent like three hours using my drawing "abilities" to make a new profile pic. My family is probably wondering what the hell I'm spending so much time on the computer doing. I also found this picture I drew of 2D in my camera roll. It's not actually finished, but... My friend begged to have it so I don't think I'm ever seeing the completed picture again.)

(Noodle's POV)

When I got home, I immediately saw Murdoc laying on the couch with a bottle in his hand. I shook my head disapprovingly before walking up and asking "do you know where Toochi is?"

"The dullard's in his room", he said, sounding a bit drunk. Nothing new, of course. I nodded in thanks before skipping off to Toochi's room.

When I knocked on the door, he didn't say anything, so I nudged it open and peeked inside. He was sitting on his bed, staring at the wall and seemingly completely spaced out. "Toochi!"I snapped. His head snapped up as he looked at me, and then smiled sheepishly. "Heheh, sorry, Noodle..." "It's okay," I chirped. "So, what were you doing up here? Besides staring at the wall, of course."

"Well," he said, looking out into the distance again, "I was just talkin' to someone..." "Who?" I asked eagerly. "A girl I met in town-" I cut him off by squealing. "Do you have a girlfriend??"

"N-no!" he responded quickly. I giggled at how much he was blushing- he looked like a tomato. "Do you like her?" "E-eh, as a friend, yea-" "You know what I mean~." He sighed. "I dunno, I've known 'er for two days!" I smiled. "Come on, you wouldn't be blushing so much if you didn't like her at least a little!" His face became an even darker shade of red as I pointed this out. "What's her name?" I asked eagerly. "(Y/N)." "She sounds nice!" "W-whateva... She'll be comin' over tomorrow, so... just don't say anyfink like yew did before... please...?" "Okay, I won't." "Fanks, Noods." I walked out, a smug smile on my face. Tomorrow will be a day for matchmaking!

(Murdoc's POV)

So faceache's inviting a girl over, huh? I smirked as I looked up at the ceiling. It's been so long since he's tried something like this that I thought he'd given up... Hell, he seemed to have given up after the first two. What were their names? Paula, of course, and... Rebecca? No, Rachel. That was it. (A/N: no, that has nothing to do with the Rebecca that turns up later in the story.) Whatever, they don't matter now- I just have to remember this one's name for a few days and she'll have forgotten about 2D before he knows what happened.

*Timeskip to the next day sponsored by Superfast Jellyfish*

(Your POV)

I had just spent two hours writing, and my fingers were tired and sore. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was 1:30. I remembered that 2D would be coming to pick me up in half an hour- crap, I needed to get ready! Jumping up from my computer, I hurried into my room, changing my clothes so at least I looked half-decent, and then started on my hair. Once it no longer looked like a wild animal on my head, I decided to just skip putting on makeup because I didn't want to look too fancy. Or at least that's what I told myself... I really just was too lazy to do it.

A few minutes after I had put my shoes on, I looked out the window and saw a car pull up. Realizing it was him, I quickly stepped out, quickly met by 2D walking towards the door. "Oh, 'ello, (Y/N)!" he said, grinning an adorable grin. I smiled nervously, hoping he didn't think I had been staring out the window looking for him for the past hour or something. Thankfully, he didn't seem creeped out or anything as we both got in the car.

"Yew look nice today, (Y/N)," he said, making me blush. "T-thanks..." "So, I hope yew like our place... it's pretty messy, though..." "that's fine," I said. "I'm not the tidiest person myself."

We didn't talk much for the rest of the drive, aside from exchanging the occasional comment about music.

Once we arrived at Kong Studios, I stepped out and couldn't help but stare at the eerie looking building. As we walked to the door, he said, "um, also, I don't fink yew'll want to be in a room alone with Mu'doc... just, like, stick with me or Russ or Noodle..." I chuckled at this. I was so exited to meet them, even Murdoc.

When he reached for the door handle, we both jumped a little as it was suddenly swung open, revealing a grinning Noodle. "Kon'nichiwa! Welcome back, Toochi! And you must be (Y/N)!" I couldn't help but smile at her cheerfulness. "Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you!" Noodle smiled even wider at me, and while I found it adorable, 2D seemed a little unsettled by her behavior. "Um... Noodle, where are the others?" he asked her. "Oh! Russel's in the kitchen, and I think Murdoc is-"

"Right here~."

I jumped a little upon suddenly seeing Murdoc in the hallway, nonchalantly leaning against a wall. "When the fu- was he there the whole time?!" I mentally questioned. He smirked and walked towards us, or more specifically, me.

"'Ello there, love- you seem a bit bored here. Would you like to join me for some 'fun'?" Thankfully, I didn't show much of a reaction, as I had been mentally preparing for his behavior. "No thank you, I think I'm fine," I said, only softly blushing from embarrassment. He seemed to notice this, but stepped back and shrugged anyways. "Well, if you change your mind, I'm always available~." Noodle huffed and said defensively, "stop hitting on our guest!" He put his hands up and retreated to another room. 2D frowned, but shook his head and said "uh, l-let's go find Russel..." I nodded and followed him into the kitchen.

When we walked into the kitchen, Russel was seated at the table reading a newspaper just as Noodle had said. He looked up when we walked in. "Hey, 'D. And you're...?" "(Y/N)," I responded. He nodded. "Name's Russel. If Mudz gives you any trouble, just let me know." I smiled innocently and said, "I've been taking various fighting classes since I was ten. I think I can take an overgrown pickle." This caused both of them to stare at me for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Noted- don't piss her off, 'D, I ain't rescuing you!" Russel chuckled. 2D smiled and responded "don't worry, I won't!"

(A/N: while writing this I heard rain outside so being the "normal" person I am I went outside and ho my Cthulhu that was a bad idea I'm soaked so BYE!)

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now