Chapter Thirty-One- Further Downhill

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(A/N: ...sorry again.)

(Your POV)

I was just out on a walk- trying to get my mind off of things- when my phone started ringing. I checked it and saw 2D was calling- I rolled my eyes and ignored it. This happened another three times until Russell called instead. I decided I might as well answer, if he got involved then it must be important. And if it was 2D using Russell's phone, I could just hang up.

"Hello?" "(Y/N)... I... I have some bad news," said the voice on the other line. Definitely Russell, so this was actually important. In fact, he sounded like he was trying not to cry- that's something I hadn't expected to hear, especially not from him. He was always calm and composed, unless​ he was angry or... Possessed, I assume. "What happened?" I asked, concerned. "I-it's Noodle... We were filming a music video... El Mañana... And..." "Where are you? I'll be right over," I said immediately. I didn't want to make him explain right now. If something happened to Noodle, he was definitely going to be shaken up.

By the time Russell gave me the address, I had already run to my house and gotten in my car. I was tired and panting, obviously, but I still ran. (Ignore that last sentence if you are one of those rare human beings who actually runs and still reads fanfiction.) Driving as quickly as I could, I soon arrived where I saw Murdoc waiting impatiently. "They told me to wait for you here... Come on," he ordered, grabbing my wrist and dragging me along with him in the direction of some distant smoke. "Could you just tell me what the hell happened to Noodle?" I asked him. He glanced back to me for a moment before saying hurriedly, "You'll figure it out pretty quick."

Eventually he stopped dragging me, and I saw the source of the smoke: the remains of an island and a burnt windmill.

I only knew about this windmill because Noodle had sent me a picture of it once (Feel Good Inc. or its music video haven't come out yet), but I could immediately tell why Russell was sitting down and staring at the wreckage and 2D was leaning against a tree crying. Part of me wanted to run up to him and give him a hug, but instead I walked over to Russell and sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "So..." "She was on the island," said Russell quietly. "It was just a music video shoot... B-but then..." I pulled him into a hug as he trailed off, clearly not wanting to continue the sentence. I heard 2D and Murdoc talking about something in the background, but they didn't draw my attention at first.

(2D's POV)

"We can't use dis foo'age for the video!" I hissed at Murdoc, honestly appalled at the idea. "Don't yew understand what's 'appened?!" "Of course I do- but we're still using this. It was expensive to shoot, the shock value should help us earn the money ba-" "Shock value?!" I shouted at him. "Noodle j-just went down in a fuckin' flaming windmill and nobody's been able to find 'er, and all you care 'bout is the fact it'll draw some attention to yewr damn music video?!" I can't believe him...! Does he just not care?? "Listen, idiot," growled Murdoc. "We're showing this, and there's nothing you can do about it. And it's not like Noodle has a family that's going to sue us or anything." "We're supposed to be 'er family! We can't do dis to 'er! Yew can't do this to 'er!" "I can and I will," he responded. "And besides, she's-"

"What's going on over here?" Said a female voice... Wait... That's (Y/N)... Right, Russell called her when she wouldn't return my calls. I guess she'd rather talk to him... But that's understandable... Still, that doesn't matter right now. Just... Don't look at her and you can pretend everything is normal. "What's goin' on," I said as I tried to keep a level tone, "is dis psychopath wants ta use da video of Noodle crashing!" "Hey," said Murdoc defensively, "it'll be in her honor." "Yew sure didn't say anyfink about dat earlier- and besides, we don't know for sure she's dead! She-" "Everyone's searched through every inch of that windmill and the most we've found is some hair. Face it, she's gone." I heard (Y/N) sigh before saying, "you know what, sort this out yourselves. I can't be responsible for you all the time." With that, she walked away, and since her back was turned I took a quick glance at her. She was sitting by Russell, consoling him while barely maintaining her own composure, still looking as wonderful as ever...

"Hey, faceache, snap out of it," snapped Murdoc. "Quit staring an (Y/N). At least give her some goddamn time." I tried to protest, but he interrupted me, "you messed up. Don't even think of approaching her again until you know she doesn't still hate you." He walked away, and I just slowly sat down. Why was all this happening...? Noodle... She's really gone... Now I feel like I've got no friends left whatsoever. I'm alone... Even Russell has a pretty low opinion of me now... What am I supposed to do...?

(Oh, uh, additional apology for updating-in my time zone- at 3:29 A.M...)

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now