Chapter Eighteen- What Did You Do?!

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(A/N: prepare for my inner drama llama to come out as this story goes on...)

(Your POV)

Stuart had invited me to come by Kong Studios to hang out, so I drove there and because at this point this was normal, I just walked inside. I then walked to Stuart's room and knocked on the door. "Coming!" He said, and after a moment of me standing and occasionally wincing at thumps which were either him knocking stuff over or falling, he opened the door.

Smiling, Stuart said, "'ey, (Y/N), glad yew came." He stepped aside and I walked in, carefully dodging around all the stuff on the floor. We both sat on the bed, and Stuart lightly kissed my cheek. "Wanna just stay in 'ere today?" He asked. I nodded. "I'd like to just have a calm, lazy day for once." (A/N: lol nope...)

We relaxed there for a while, just choosing the first movie we saw in his collection that looked interesting. Eventually we both wandered downstairs in search of food.

Murdoc was, of course, sitting on- er, okay, draped over- the couch. Why wouldn't he be? Although I was a little surprised that the only bottle of, well, any alcoholic beverage in sight was full and Murdoc seemed to have no interest in it. I glanced at Stuart looking for what we should eat, then quietly slipped over to Murdoc.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Why wouldn't I be?" "Well, the fact that you're not drowning yourself in booze is a little concerning." He chuckled in that weird way he does- "is that noise even human...?"- before saying, "I'm just fine, love." "Okay, well-" before I could continue, Stuart called me from the kitchen, "(Y/N), c'mere!" I decided to just walk over to him.

He handed me a plate which was literally just covered in various snacks he had thrown together from the cabinet, then said quietly, "sorry if 'is sounds overprotective, but... Could yew not talk to Mudz alone?" I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at this request. But, I reminded myself, Murdoc's proven to be both dangerous and disloyal to him, so he does have some reason to request this.

"Don't worry, Stuart, I can take care of myself. And if you're worried, I'm only yours." I kissed him softly, and after I pulled away he had an adorable grin on his face. He started walking back, and I couldn't help but glance back at Murdoc, who had a shocked look on his face.

When we got back to Stuart's room and sat on the bed again, he asked, "what were yew asking 'im, anyways?" I shook my head and just answered "nothing." He seemed a little suspicious, but didn't say anything.

We finished off the food within the duration of the next movie we watched, but both of us were too comfortable and too lazy to do anything with the plates but just add them to a pile of stuff on his dresser.

Now with the threat of spilling food everywhere gone, Stuart put his arm around me, and I snuggled up to his side, putting my head on his chest. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling. Softly, he whispered, "I luv yew, (Y/N)." I felt like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest, bound out the door, run a marathon, and still be able to come back. It took me a few moments to be able to respond, "I- I love y-you too, Stuart..."

He chuckled softly. "I fink 'at's da first time yew've used my whole name." I thought about this. "Is it...? Yeah, I think it is..." "I like it."

We both lay there for a while, just calmly enjoying each other's company. Eventually, I heard him softly snoring, and realized that he had fallen asleep. I also realized with the same degree of stress people experience when a dog is on their lap and the TV remote is out of reach: I really needed some water.

So, I began to carefully inch away from him, carefully replacing myself with a spare pillow that had been on the floor. It might seem childish, but because of the movie that was playing, I pretended that if I woke him up, he'd turn into a zombie and attack me. (Really, I knew he'd at the very worst be a tiny bit grumpy I woke him up, but I'd still feel bad.) Luckally, I was successful in getting off the bed and slipping out the door.

Going to the kitchen, I turned on the light, jumping slightly when I saw Murdoc was up and standing there. "Couldn't sleep?" He guessed. I shook my head. "No, just thirsty." He nodded and handed me a glass of water. "Thanks..." As I drank the water, he asked, "I'm guessing you and Faceache got together?" I nodded. "I can't see why..." I put the glass down and sighed. "Of course you can't."

He moved closer to me. "C'mon, love, I know you could do better than him..." I rolled my eyes. He persisted, "someone like you shouldn't be stuck with him..." He then suddenly moved forward and kissed me. Before I could even move, I heard a voice from the doorway.

"What's goin' on in 'ere?!"

(A/N: I apologise)

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now