Chapter Thirteen- The Question

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(Your POV)

When I woke up, I immideintly noticed I wasn't in my room, and looked around in mild panic- I say mild because I couldn't be bothered to move- before remembering I had stayed in Stuart's room.

I then realized that he was still cuddled up to me, his chest pressed against my back and one of his arms over my shoulder.

Lightly nudging his hand aside, I sat up, noticing both of us were still in the same clothes as yesterday. I guess we were both too tired to care.

I checked my phone, and just as I was making sure Rebecca wasn't going batshit crazy or my parents were checking on me, Stuart sat up and said in a scratchy morning voice, "'mornin, luv..." I smiled softly at him and turned my phone off. "Good morning, Stu..." He stood up and stumbled off to the bathroom, leaving me to think about last night. "He said he had something to ask me... I wonder what it could be...?"

When he came back, now in different clothes, I decided to ask. "Hey, you said you wanted to ask me something. What is it?"

He suddenly seemed to get nervous, fidgeting and stumbling over his words. "W-well- I- I was just, um... I mean, I w-wanted to know if y-yew-"

I put my hand over his and smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, just say it," I said in the most soothing voice I could. He sighed, and finally managed to speak clearly:

"(Y/N), would yew be my girlfriend?"

I have to admit, I was quite thoroughly shocked. I had to go over his sentence a few times in my mind to make sure I heard him right: Stuart Pot, the singer who I may or may not have had a crush on since I saw the Clint Eastwood video, had just asked me to be his girlfriend? Really?!

Noticing how he seemed like he was about to sadly walk away, I quickly grabbed his hand again, looked into his black eyes, and said, "o-of course! Absolutely!"

His nervous and scared expression shifted to one of Joy as he hugged me hapily. I giggled softly at this and kissed his cheek again, feeling a lot more confident this time. He moved back from the hug, then leaned forward and gently kissed me.

Although it was short, that was undoubtedly the best kiss I've ever had- soft, light, and yet full of...


I love him.

Now I've just got to make sure I don't loose that.

(2D's POV)

I can't believe she actually said yes... I'm so happy! I haven't been this happy in a long time... Heh, take that, Murdoc!

Now I'm certain he won't be able to take her away. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met, and would never cheat on me, I know it.

I felt my heart sink as I realized I'd thought these exact thoughts about Paula Cracker.

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now