Chapter Twenty-One: A Little Help, Please?

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(Your POV)

Noodle then looked at me for a moment and asked, "why did you leave last night? It's kind of strange to leave in the middle of the night." I sighed and answered, "it's a long story-" "I have time," Noodle inturupted, clearly determined to know. Thankfully, Stuart came down the hallway and saved me from answering her. It's not that I was trying to withhold information from her or anything, I just thought it would feel inappropriate to spill all my relationship issues to a twelve-year-old. "Noodle, stop pesterin'
(Y/N)," he scolded. Noodle frowned and looked up at him, saying, "I want to know what happened!" He shook his head and said, "not now. Maybe later." Noodle huffed and walked away. I asked him quietly, "should we actually let her know what happened? Or make something up?" "I'm not sure," admitted Stuart. I thought for a moment before saying, "I'll go ask Russel. He's the one who looks after Noodle the best."

With that, I ran out to find Russel... Making... Something...? What... What is that...?

Well, disregarding that, I just said quietly, "hey, Russel." He turned around slightly surprised, apparently he hadn't heard me come in. "(Y/N)- I didn't know you were back." I just nodded a little and said "yeah... Murdoc helped me explain what happened." "And what did happen?" Asked Russel. "Um... Well, we explained and Stuart immideintly forgave me while continuing to be angry at Murdoc, so I think you can infer." He nodded, and then asked, "why are you here?" I said, "Noodle was asking what happened." Russel sighed and said, "she asked me too. I wasn't completely sure, so I didn't answer." "Well, what should we tell her?" He shrugged. "Whatever you need to. She's a mature girl, and I know you won't explain things badly." I nodded, relieved he trusted me that much, and couldn't help grinning as he gave me a little smile and said, "glad to have you back, by the way."

I then walked back to Stuart's room, where he seemed to be waiting for me. I didn't want to find Noodle just yet, I'd rather think over what to say. He smiled a bit at me, and when  I went to sit down on the bed, he moved closer to me. Softly, he said, "I 'ave a question..." I tilted my head  and said, "okay... Ask away." He hesitated, almost as if he didn't know he wanted to hear the answer to what he was going to ask. "(Y/N)... are... are we going back to the way things were before? I just wanted to make sure..."

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter! I literally fell asleep while writing it, and there's no stronger distraction than having a nap when you have the kind of dreams I do...)

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now