Chapter Six- Getting On Well?

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(2D's POV)

After a few minutes of talking to Russel, I suggested to  (Y/N) that we go watch a zombie movie in my room. Honestly, selfish as it may sound, I really just wanted to get her away from the others. Russel is fine, of course, but... I know Murdoc is definitely going to be chasing after (Y/N),and I'm scared to know what Noodle's plotting. She's scaring me a little...

Either way, (Y/N) readily agreed, so I led her to my room, thinking over what movie we should watch. When I opened the door, I was instantly hit with the embarrassing reminder that my room currently was in the same state of a rebellious ten year old's.

"S-sorry et looks like a bomb went off in 'ere..." I said as she carefully stepped over piles of clothes and trash. "Oh, don't worry about it," she replied. "I don't mind." I sighed in relief as she sat down and I went to put on a movie. "Um... which one would ya like?" I asked. "I don't really have a preference. Just pick whatever you think is good." I nodded and selected the one which was on the top- Evil Dead, one of my favorites!

(Your POV)

Although I'm not 100% interested in zombie movies, somehow watching it with 2D made it more interesting. Of course, I doubt I could ever be as interested in them as he is- but that seems nearly impossible anyways.

About halfway through, I began to feel a bit tired- spending two hours on an article will do that to you. I couldn't help but lean my head on his shoulder and hope he wouldn't mind.

(2D's POV)


(Your POV)

Is he okay...?

(2D's POV)

I pretended to be still focused on the movie, but it was incredibly hard to focus with her head on my shoulder. I honestly thought that she wouldn't be able to hear the movie over the sound of my heartbeat.

(Your POV)

I really hope he doesn't have a fever. I do not need to get sick right now.

(2D's POV)

I'm overreacting to this, I'm sure of it. I only met this girl a few days ago, I need to get a grip! Sure, she's a fan and she's smart and nice and pretty and-


Noodle was right.

(Your POV)

Once the movie ended, 2D looked over at me. "Um, do ya want to watch anotha?" he asked. "Um, if you don't mind, I think one's enough for now. But maybe we could have a proper movie night sometime instead of an awkward movie mid-afternoon?" I yawned. He chuckled and said "yeah, sure, that's fine."

So, with that, we left his room and went into the kitchen. "If yew give me a few minutes, I'll make us somefink to eat," he suggests. I nod and walk into a nearby sitting room. Seemingly as soon as I sat down, Noodle popped up next to me, causing me to jump. "Why do they keep spooking me...? Who's next, Russel?"

She smiled innocently and said "so, what were you and Toochi doing?" "We were just watching a movie," I replied. "You know, I heard there was this new horror movie coming out soon. You two should go to the movie theater and see it!" She chirped. Ignoring what she might possibly be hinting at, I just smiled and said "yeah, that sounds interesting, I guess." She seemed satisfied with that answer as 2D walked in with some sandwiches. "Okay, yew two, here's lunch. Er... I guess." "Thanks, Toochi!" I just smiled and started eating, since 3:45 is a bit late for lunch.

(A/N: yes Noodle was trying to get them to go out on a date. Is she acting a little too much like Mabel from Gravity Falls...? I don't really know how she acts, at least as a kid...)

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now