Chapter Twenty-Five: Wait... Who?!

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(A/N: I didn't expect to be heading back to my grandmother's one day after I went back home but I came because I want to see my Uncle and he's in the state this weekend... So yeah that's why this is late.)

(Your POV)

I nearly dropped the phone when he told me this. I mean... Who wouldn't be scared when their boyfriend's ex called them without ever giving her their number, and saying something so... Creepy?

Taking in a shaky breath and trying to compose myself, I asked, "how would she know how to contact me?" He paused for a moment, then said in a defeated tone, "I don't know..." I paused, then asked, "well... Have you seen her since we met?"

(2D's POV)

I couldn't help but internally panic a little when she asked this. How was I supposed to respond? I mean, I could tell the truth, but... I hadn't said anything about my meeting with Paula, and I wasn't completely sure how I'd justify it.

"N...No, I don't fink I've seen her," I said, feeling bad for lying to (Y/N). I know she'd probably understand, but... I just couldn't help it. "Are you sure?" She asked, putting emphasis on the 'sure' for some reason. "I haven't," I said more firmly. "Um... Okay... Well, I guess she must've stalked one of us or something... Uh, I've gotta go. Bye." She hung up, and I wondered why she was in such a rush.

(Your POV)

I know he's lying. I saw the picture, and before I could believe it was nothing, but... This was serious now. Why would he lie to me? Was he actually cheating on me with Paula? Was that why she said we wouldn't last long- because he was still seeing her? Is it possible that he gave her my number just to freak me out?

I shook my head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. This was Stuart- he was too sweet to do that. He wouldn't taunt and play with me in such a cruel way.

But... Why else would he see her and then lie about it?

I thought about it for a moment. I knew I had to talk to someone, but who? I wasn't going to call Rebecca about this- I've learned to never call her about anything involving drama. And I sure as hell wasn't telling my parents about this... Noodle was too young to come to with this stuff. (Noodle feels a sudden disappointment as she sits alone in her room.) Russel would probably listen... But at the same time, I didn't want him to hurt Stuart because of my speculation. That being said, there was one person that might be able to help me... Emphasis on might. I picked my phone up again and called their number.

"Hey, Murdoc? Could you come by? I need to talk to you..."

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now