Chapter One- An Actual Chapter

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(Your POV)

Well, new country, new life. I had just moved to England from (Y/H/C) (if you're already in England, just... pretend you're from the country you know the most about. Or ignore this entirely.), and everything just seemed so... different. The buildings, the way people talked, the general atmosphere... it was so confusing and so wonderful all at the same time. Despite only having been here for a week, I feel pretty comfortable in my new apartment. It's not the best I've ever seen, but hey, it's something. Besides, I've already moved all my stuff in, so it feels like home.

As for why I moved... well, as much as I'd like to say it was for some big, dramatic, interesting reason, I... I got a job offer. Yep. Lovely.

It's hardly my dream  job, but I'm now working as a journalist for a newspaper company. Journalist... one of the few jobs that, upon hearing it, it could be considered either boring or exiting. So far, it's been quite dull, but five days of experience isn't much time to judge something by, right?

Anyways, to the current events...

I'm walking down the street, just looking around. I'm trying to get my bearings and learn where everything is. That way, if I want to go to a certain shop or something that's within walking distance, I'll know exactly where it is. As I do this, I'm listening to (F/G/S) because... do you really need an excuse to enjoy quality music?

For the most part, things have been uneventful- pass a cute-looking dog here, nearly trip but barely manage not to embarrass myself in public there- but suddenly something catches my eye. Well, someone.

Someone tall.

Someone with blue hair.

Someone whose eyes I can barely see, but they look totally black.

I freeze for a moment, just looking at the man.

"Is... is that really him...?" I think to myself. "No... it couldn't be... could it...?"

He looked up, right towards me. My eyes widened and I felt my face heat up as I quickly pretended I wasn't staring and started walking away.

As I walked, I mentally facepalmed myself. "Great job, (Y/N)... Not only did the lead singer of your favorite band of all time see you staring at him, you didn't even try to say anything. Sure, you would've risked looking like a crazy fangirl, but at least you would've gotten to talk to the Stuart '2D' Pot! Now you're probably never going to see him again..."

Little did I know that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now