Chapter Twenty-Four: Who Are You?

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(A/N: sorry this one's a bit short. I meant to have this up earlier but then I started talking to my mom at around 12:30 A.M. and we talked for the next three hours with just a bit of watching Dan and Phil in between... So that kinda threw off my schedule...)

(Your POV)

I woke up and internally groaned when I remembered how much work I had put off from yesterday to today. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I decided to just get through as much of it as I could in as little time as possible.

I fed the parakeet and replaced his or her water, making sure that they had optimal living conditions- or at least as close to optimal as possible considering the circumstances. I had enough money to pay for my apartment, food, electricity, and wifi. I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on a bird I wouldn't have for long. Turning on my computer, I first checked to see if anyone had said anything about loosing a green and yellow parakeet, but there wasn't anything.

*Timeskip to when you've finished your work sponsored by whisks*

I was sitting on my couch watching Torchwood (or other program of your choice... But I pick Torchwood) when my phone started ringing. I didn't recognize the number, but it was in my area code, so... Maybe it was worth answering? I picked up the phone, deciding if nothing else this might give me an interesting story to tell.

"Hello?" I said upon answering. A few seconds passed before a female voice on the other line spoke: "is this (Y/N) (L/N)?" I was certain I didn't recognize the voice, so now I was a bit creeped out. "Um... Yes... Who's this?" A soft giggle came, before they spoke again: "you'll find out sooner or later. Is it true that you're... Close with Stuart Pot?" Now I was freaked out- was this a crazy fangirl or something? "Why should I answer that?" "So it's true." They then laughed in a way that made chills go up my spine. "Trust me, that isn't going to last long." They hung up, and I quickly blocked their number, before slowly sitting down and staring blankly at the television. Unfortunately, not even watching Ianto get flustered over Jack helped much to distract me. (A/N: personally I find that can distract me from literally anything.)

Eventually, I just decided to call Stuart and tell him what happened. Maybe he'd know who it was, or at least know what to do about it. My hand shook a bit as I dialed his number and called him. "Uh, 'ey, luv," he said. "What's up?" I sighed, composing my thoughts, then spoke. "I... I just got a call from someone I didn't know. They knew my name, then asked me about you." Stuart seemed to be thinking for a moment, before saying, "what was tha numbah?" I glanced back at my phone. "Uh... (*Insert number here*)." He went silent, which scared me a bit. "Um... Stuart?" He took in a shaky breath before saying, "luv... That was Paula Cracker's number."

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now