Chapter Twenty-Three: What's This?

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(A/N: a good half of this chapter is me living vicariously through Reader-chan.)

(Your POV)

I instinctively covered my face, crossing my arms in front of my head to block the strange blur (no pun intended... Heheh...) had come hurtling towards it. I didn't feel an impact, though- instead I felt a sudden breeze and then nothing. Finally dropping my arms to peek out at the world, I didn't see what had happened, until I looked to my left and saw...

A small green and yellow...


I just got scared shitless by a fucking parakeet.

After a moment of glancing around and praying desperately that nobody saw that- there was a jogger or two giving me a brief odd look, but it could be worse-, I slowly moved a little closer to the parakeet. I mean, sure it had flown right at my face, but... I couldn't resist. It looked back at me, and I wondered, 'why is there a parakeet out here? I mean, I don't think they're exactly local. Escaped pet, maybe?' I looked around, but didn't see any open windows or other nearby indications of possible pet loss. After a few moments of thought, I slowly moved my hand towards the parakeet, and it tilted its head thoughtfully before hopping on.

(A/N: remember when I said I was living vicariously through Reader-chan here? Yeah, I really want a parakeet. If you don't... Just either pretend that you love birds like I do, or skip through until you regain your interest.)

I began to resume my walk home, a bit slowly so I wouldn't move too much. I honestly fully expected the parakeet to fly away at some point, but it seemed quite comfortable perched there on my hand. Reaching the door, I awkwardly unlocked and opened it with one hand and stepped inside.

I looked at the bird, and said quietly, "well, I shouldn't get too attached, but... I'll find you somewhere to stay for now." Setting him or her on my desk and glancing over every ten seconds to make sure they stayed there, I began to dig through the closet where I shoved all the stuff I couldn't leave behind at my old house but didn't have much of a use for/ didn't have a place to keep. Eventually, I found an old birdcage I had gotten from my aunt. She wasn't really my aunt, she was a friend of my grandmother's, but I had taken to calling her my aunt when I was young and it stuck. No, I had never had a pet bird. The reason she gave it to me was because I had found a dove one day while walking with a friend, and it had an injured wing. Well, it was either injured or just didn't want to fly. Either way, I begged to keep the dove until it could be safely released. So, I kept the bird a few days, fantasising about actually having him (my friend and I agreed on he/him pronouns for it) as my pet until I eventually had to give Tepp (yeah, we named it Tepp) to my friend because my mom was sick of having a bird in the house. (A/N: 100% true story of mine. Except the receiving a birdcage bit. I just used my dog's old crate that was too small for him.)

Taking out the cage, I cleaned it up a bit before gently setting the parakeet inside, gave it some water and birdseed (again, bird lover... Non bird lovers, please skip ahead in this chapter for 2D.), And began looking around on the internet to see if anyone had lost a parakeet in my area. I also made some posters, just in case, and posted them both near my house and closer to where I had actually found it.

Returning​ home, I remembered the reason I had come back in the first place: work. Ugh.

There wasn't even much interesting that I was supposed to write about. No dramatic tragedies or shocking miracles or controversial topics- just some government stuff that if you payed attention you'd realize probably wouldn't impact anyone, and a few things happening with celebrities that I guess were popular but I had never really heard of. But hey, again, we do what we have to do for food money.

Just as I was beginning to fall asleep at the monitor, I was jolted awake my ringtone. A slight smile appeared on my face as I saw the person calling was Stuart. Naturally, I answered, greeting him with a slightly sleepy "hey, Stu. What's up?" "Oh, um, not alot. Just wan'ed to say hi," he said in that ever-present slightly nervous tone. "So... Anyfink interestin' 'appen today? Not while I was around, I mean." I answered simply, "I there's now a bird in my house." "...wot...?" I realized how that might've sounded, so I quickly told him, "I found a parakeet. Well, more like it found me. And I'm taking care of it for a while." "Ohhhh." Stuart now seemed to understand. "Well... Um, it's kinda late, so... Goodnight, (Y/N)." I chuckled softly and said, "goodnight, Stuart," before hanging up.

(2D's POV)

"So... Goodnight, (Y/N.)" "Goodnight, Stuart." "I luv yew," I added quickly, but she'd already hung up. I sighed, before setting my phone down and decided it would be more meaningful if I said it to her face, anyways.

Laying back on my bed, I began to think. I should ask (Y/N) out on another date soon. I wasn't actually sure what we'd do, but I could come up with something. After all, I was still feeling super guilty over the... Recent incident... So I decided I'd make sure to make her as happy as I possibly could. After all, that's the best apology I can give, right? I began to fall asleep, still thinking of what I could do for her.

*Timeskip to the next morning sponsored by Anxiety's eyeshadow*

(Your POV)

I woke up- thankfully, in my bed, which I had stumbled off to after Stuart called me- and naturally, the first thing I did was check my phone. Which... I forgot to charge last night... Goddamnit.

After plugging in my nearly-dead phone, I walked to the birdcage I had set up for... Should I give this bird a name? I don't want to get too attached. I'll just stick with 'the parakeet' for now. Aside from access to food and water, I had also provided two sticks to use as perches around the cage. It was hardly optimal bird housing, but it was the best I could do for now.

I replenished the parakeet's food and water, then looked back at my phone. While scrolling through (social media of your choice- heck, could be Wattpad), I received a text from Stuart.

2D: hey, I was wondering if we could go on a date Saturday?

I quickly checked my calendar to see it was Thursday, and saw that I would most likely be free two days from now.

(Y/N): sure, where to?

2D: that's a surprise. How about I pick you up around four?

(Y/N): okay... See you then, I guess.

(2D's POV)

To be honest, I had litteraly nothing planned. I just wanted to make sure she'd be free.

Oh well, it could be worse, I guess... I have some time to think. What's something (Y/N) would enjoy?

(A/N: I could have titled this THE BIRD CHAPTER but that'd ruin the surprise... Thanks to everyone who guessed, it was fun seeing your answers!)

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now