Subchapter One- An Unexpected, Yet Welcome, Visit.

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(A/N: OKAY, this needs explanation.

You'll understand why it needs explanation if you read it without reading any author's notes.

But basically, I wrote this about a month ago and forgot about it entirely. I would have published it then and there if it wasn't during the time when I was unleashing my inner drama llama for the first time in this story. Anyways, it adds nothing to the plot and probably won't be directly continued unless anyone wants it to be.)

(Your POV)

I was staying at Kong Studios again because, well, I was hanging out with 2D and he said I could stay. I was just sitting around, since he was asking Murdoc about... A thing, I'm not sure what. When the doorbell went off, I decided I might as well get it.

What I wasn't expecting was to be tackled into a hug the moment the door was opened.

"OMIGOD (Y/N) I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE!!!" cried the figure now nearly suffocating me. I would have likely hit the figure hard in the stomach if I hadn't recognized the shouting, and said in a rather monotone voice since this isn't the first time this has happened, "hello, Rebecca." She finally stopped making my lungs feel like they were going to snap inwards, grinned, and said, "hey, (Y/N)! It's been way too long!" I sighed. "It has been a while... Wait..." I stopped as I noticed one huge issue with this whole situation.

"...How the absolute hell did you know where I was?"

She looked away sheepishly. "Well, I found your address-" "I don't even live here!" "And you weren't home, so I looked up where 2D lived because you said you were hanging out with him." I stared at her blankly. Honestly, I wouldn't put this sort of thing past her, but I was worried how many doors she'd knock on asking if there was a (Y/N) (L/N) home if I didn't mention Stuart.

As this was all happening, Stu looked around the wall and stared. "...Did I 'ear my name?" I whirled around in surprise upon hearing him. "Oh, hey, didn't hear you walk over..." Stuart apologized for spooking me, and because he's... Okay, there's no getting around it, he's pretty slow, he finally looked at Rebecca and asked, "who's she?"

I introduced the two of them, Rebecca smiling in a way that would probably make most people uncomfortable, but I was used to it and Stuart didn't really... Care.

After a little while, we were all talking, Stuart and I having to awkwardly admit to Rebecca- my particularly overbearing friend- that we were dating. She squealed so loud Murdoc came out and asked what all the noise was and who the bloody hell was in his kitchen. "Oh, this is my friend, Rebecca," I said. "Rebecca, this is Murdoc." "'ello, love, pleased to meet you," he said. He started out in a flirtatious tone, but then quickly shifted to a very professional one when he saw me glaring. I guess the last time he pissed me off left quite an impression in more ways than one.

After a while, Murdoc said she could stay for dinner- my guess is he was either scared to send her away too soon and get me mad again, or he was trying to give himself a chance to hit on her again while my back is turned. I mentally sighed, deciding if it was the second one, I'd just let him. She'd either drive him crazy, or he would end up hurting her. The first scenario would have me laughing from what he got himself into, the second from beating him to the point he'd have to go to a hospital.

Aside from those dark thoughts, the rest of the afternoon was pleasant- Rebecca and Noodle seemed to get along well, and Russel... He's not really that easy to read, but he seemed to like her well enough.

We a sat down for dinner, something none of us were too used to. "Could you grab me a spoon?" I asked Rebecca, since I had forgotten to get one and she was next to the drawer. "Sure," she said. As she handed me the spoon, the word "Spooney" casually slipped out of her mouth. "NO!" I suddenly shouted. She covered her mouth and said, "no! That's not going anywhere..." And I continued, "nowhere at all. Not again." Naturally, everyone was staring at us like we were crazy. Even Murdoc, and for Murdoc to think you're crazy... That takes effort. Rebecca and I glanced awkwardly at each other, and she said, "should we explain...?" "YES!" Shouted Stuart and Noodle readily. I sighed. "Okay, this all started with me having a dream about a cat..."

(A/N: don't worry, you aren't actually meant to get the Spooney thing. That's just an inside joke between my friend and I and I'll actually explain it if anyone wants to know. Anyways, this chapter just popped into my head and I figured I might as well show you guys. It's not even really meant to take place right after the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed!)

(Second A/N, July 25: I'm cringing at this... But I don't know, maybe that's just me...)

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