Chapter Eleven- Surprises Just Keep Comin'

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(A/N: sheesh my accent even comes out in the title... XD also I'm sorry I somehow unpublished the entire story... Oops...)

(No POV)

It's been a little while since the date you and 2D had gone on that date, and although you two still hung out quite often, you hadn't gone on any other official dates. However, 2D had just called and asked you to come over for a bit.

So, having done all the work you needed, you agreed, and drove yourself over to Kong Studios (yes, you have a car. I think I forgot to mention that.).

When you arrived, you were greeted again by Noodle. She once again gave you that irresistibly contagious grin and said, "welcome back, (Y/N)!"

(Your POV)

As I walked in and sat down, I realized 2D hadn't come out yet. Noticing this, Noodle said, "Toochi went out to pick up some food, he realized we were out right after he called you."

I chuckled softly and shook my head- of course he'd do that. Noodle skipped off to her room, and I just turned on the TV and waited.

However, rather than 2D, I was greeted by none other than Murdoc Niccals.

Despite the fact that I knew he wasn't as bad as a lot of people thought he was, I couldn't help but be a little nervous as he sat next to me, smirking slightly. "So, waitin' on faceache, are we?" I paused for a moment, trying to decide what to say. "Why do you call him faceache? You've said one of the main reasons you wanted him in the band was his looks." Murdoc shrugged and answered, "after so many injuries, it's hard not to think that while looking at him." I just nodded, honestly quite pleased that I had gotten such a genuine answer from him. I mean, that was pretty genuine for Murdoc.

Murdoc then asked, "so, are you and him a thing now?" Needless to say, that caught me quite off guard. "U- um, well, we've gone on one date, but no, not really..." He chuckled softly. "Of course, he's too much of a coward to ask..." I began to feel a little awkward, and he seemed to be able to tell as he changed the subject. "So, how long 'ave you liked our music for, eh?" Of course he'd ask that. "Actually, a friend showed me Clint Eastwood not long after it came out, so..." "A while, huh? Good to know."  I honestly wasn't sure what his point- or goal- was here. He seemed to be acting innocent enough, although he did put his arm around me.

"Well, faceache isn't here, so why don't we get to know eachother?" Oh. That's what he was doing. Well, might as well comply, since he isn't being crazy or anything.

Again, despite what lots of people had said, this pickle wasn't all that sour. (A/N: I'm sorry that's the first thing that popped into my mind and for some reason I'm not erasing it so now you're reading this.) He talked to me until 2D came back, and then walked away, although not before whispering something to Stu.

(2D's POV)

When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was (Y/N) and Murdoc. On the couch. Together. And he had his arm around her. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous- I mean, can you blame me? After what's happened the last few times...

But (Y/N)'s not like that. I'm sure of it. However, I was a little confused when Murdoc leaned over to me and said, "try to keep this one around for a bit, okay?" Before walking away.

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now