Chapter Two- You... Again?

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(A/N: I want to finish three chapters tonight to get this story off the ground! Too ambitious? Probably... And I wasn't joking about that science project either... oh well...)

(Your POV)

It's been another week since that incident. Well, what was in my mind an incident. Really, it's only been on my mind because it wasn't an incident.

I could've said something.

I could've done something.

I should've made myself noticeable in any way.

But I didn't, and now I'm back to my average life.

By now, the thrill of moving has mostly worn off. I think I'm starting to develop some sort of accent, but since I don't talk to that many people aside from one or two phone calls back home and speaking with my boss, it's barely there. I kind of like the fact that I still have my (Y/H/C) accent, it makes it a lot easier for people to understand when I get confused over a word I'm unfamiliar with. For them it could be something totally ordinary, but to me it's exotic and new.

Anyways, I'm currently seated at a table in a small dessert shop I found recently. They have some pretty good foods, and at cheap prices, so I'll probably be a regular customer. Sweets? Cheap? Quiet? Walking distance? Count me in.

I'm fully focused on the smoothie I'm drinking and my phone for a while, until I glance up at the person currently ordering their food and nearly choke on my drink (silently, thank goodness).

It's him.


Realizing that he must come here occasionally (frequently, if we're being optimistic, but I'm not), I quickly tried to think of something to say, some excuse to start a conversation. I blew it last time, so this was my second chance!

I was staring quite intently at the table, so I was rather spooked when a voice near me said "um, i-is dis seat taken?" (A/N: sorry if I'm bad at writing his accent... I'm trying! Give me tips!)

I looked up to see the incredibly familiar face of 2D- completely black eyes, spiky blue hair, his mouth forming a nervous smile as I looked at him. I hadn't even heard him walk over. "Sorry, did I spook yew?"

I quickly got over my shocked state (sort of, at least...) and managed to stutter out "um, n-no, it's fine... you can sit there..."

He looked relieved as he sat down in the chair, holding a small bowl with (whatever you imagine him buying, my mind just went blank) in it. "Fanks. Uh... what's your name?" "(Y-Y/N)," I replied quickly. "dat's a nice name. Nice to meet ya, (Y/N). I'm 2D,"  he said, and I had to try my hardest not to blush or look to weird. "Oh, um, I know who you are," I said, hoping I didn't sound like a stalker or anything. He looked a little surprised, but thankfully not to any extent that would cause him to leave. "Really? Are yew a fan of Gorillaz?" I nodded shyly, still trying to comprehend what was happening and wishing I could slow down time to do so. That way, maybe I'd have some sort of chance at acting cool. However, he didn't seem to notice how I was mentally panicking, which made me remember how he's often described as "a bit thick". That helped a little, but not much.

Surprisingly, considering how awkward I am around normal people, I managed to speak to 2D rather normally. I stuttered every once in a while, but that was pretty much it, and he didn't seem to care. Of course, all things have to come to an end, and this conversation ended with him looking at his phone, sighing, and saying "Mu'doc is lookin' for me... I should probably go..." he paused for a moment, and then took out a pen, wrote something on a receipt, and handed it to me, before walking out the door with a wave.

If I had been the only person in that shop, I probably would have jumped up and shouted something along the lines of "HOLEHSHIZTHATACTUALLYHAPPENEDYESSSSSS" upon realizing that he had written his number on it. But I wasn't, the girl behind the counter already seemed to be judging me enough (if she could even see beyond all that mascara...), so I didn't. I simply walked out the door a few moments after he did, still not entirely convinced this wasn't a dream and desperately praying to every deity ever worshiped that it wasn't. 

Chance... Probably. (Gorillaz 2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now