Chapter Twenty-Eight: Misunderstandings Break Love (Part 1)

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(A/N: huge thanks to TheChillSpider for being basically the entire inspiration for this chapter because I literally had no ideas... Believe me when I say that in virtually every cliffhanger I write, I don't know what's coming next either. Anyways, to anyone else who has suggested, don't worry, your ideas will appear soon ^_^

Also the original title of this chapter was "Misunderstandings Kill Love" but 1. I was listening to Broken so I changed it for the reference and 2. "Break" makes it sound slightly less like an emo song title. Not that there's anything- er, much, I should say- wrong with emo music.)

(Your POV)

By now I was really considering changing my phone number and home address. I mean, seriously, the only thing I can think of which could freak me out more would be if I knew she had killed someone and the text read "you're next". I guess that's proof that things can always get worse... I'm not sure if that should make me fell comforted or paranoid. Either way, paranoia is definitely going to be weighing on my mind for the next few days. I decided to send a screenshot of the text to Murdoc, since I still don't feel entirely comfortable speaking with 2D about this. He called me a few minutes after, and somehow despite the fact that I had completely hated him not long ago, I found speaking to him quite calming. 

~Timeskip to a few days later because sometimes I'm completely useless at writing~

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. I'd been pretty stressed recently because of work and Paula, and also the parakeet. I haven't found its owner yet, and I'm thinking that if any more time passes with no developments then I'll keep it. But it had started looking a bit sick, which was a concern I didn't need added to every other thought occupying my head. Thankfully, Murdoc had come by and volunteered to bring it to the vet- he knew I didn't want to do that if it wasn't mine- and apparently it- no, she, actually- would be fine in a couple days.

Actually, Murdoc has been really helpful lately- not only did he do that for me, but he had also continued to dispel my worries about Paula. I actually felt kind of bad about the fact that the only thing I had bothered to let 2D know about while we were on the date a couple days ago was my work- but then again, just having that out of the way allowed for a pleasant conversation, so I suppose it's a good thing. Either way, Murdoc's been a surprisingly good friend lately.

Maybe I should call him.

(2D's POV)

Murdoc's been leaving the studio without explanation a lot lately... and I guess that can't be considered particularly abnormal, the fact that he's astonishingly drunk or has some random girl with him gives us all a hint as to where he's been. But that hasn't happened...

And he did say he was with (Y/N) a couple days ago...

No! Stop it! She wouldn't do that, you know it! ...Right?

After all, who told you that? Her... and Murdoc...

But if he managed to steal her away, he'd be constantly holding that over your head!

She could've convinced him to do otherwise...

I shook off this internal argument- which had not reached a conclusion- and saw Murdoc walking out again. Should I follow him? Maybe not, I'll probably get one hell of a hit if he catches me... But I can't settle this if I don't find out!

After a brief moment of panic, I hid in the back seat, somehow not being noticed by Murdoc who was getting in the car humming the rhythm to a song I didn't know.

On the way there, I prayed a collective prayer to every deity I could think of as I tried not to vomit and/or suffer additional head trauma as I lay on the floor mostly covered by an old rug. Murdoc's driving is difficult to stand normally- this is a hundred times worse. (A/N: one hundred...)

By some miracle, I survived the trip. I waited until Murdoc got out and his footsteps sounded far enough away before carefully peeking out of the Geep, my black eyes widening at what they saw- (Y/N)'s apartment building.

Things just got worse from there. (Y/N) stepped out and hugged him. Why would she do that? Doesn't she remember what he did?!

Unless, from her point of view, he did nothing wrong.

I can't confront them now. Even if I'm right, he'll still beat me up for doing this. But...

There is an alternative.

~Continued in part two~

~I'm sorry~

~But not really~

~'Cause cliffhangers are the one thing I can do right~

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