in my arms - Chapter 11

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We were on our way to go back home. Back to Chicago we go. I didn't want to go home. Well I did and didn't. I wanted to stay here and relax some more. I liked just us. I liked having no worries. I did miss home though. I missed our crazy big family. It was time, we knew it. 

Matt started gathering our bags to get into the car. He looked over at me looking around the place one more time " baby..." I looked up " yeah.." He looked at me " got everything.." I nodded "yeah... just taking one last look." He kissed me " ok we gotta go... if we want to make our flight in time..." I looked at him " what if we don't want to..." Matt looked at me " what? no we have to get home.." I laughed " it's so nice here... quiet... are you really ready to go home to craziness....?" Matt kissed me " I am... and you are so let's go so were not late..." 

We got on the plane. We took off and goodbye quiet, simple vacation we go. I slept in Matt's arms. 

8pm Chicago 

The landing was a little bumpy, but we made it. We are home. Matt got our bags. I was following behind. I stopped to grab my bag. Matt got the rest of our luggage. 

Just when you think everything is calm, more happens. Someone stopped Matt " Casey..." Matt looked at up " what are you doing here...?" 

who could it be?

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