I could have - chapter 27

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Matt's POV 

We've just been here a few hours and its great. It's nice to just be out here just us. It's nice I  guess to be surrounded by all this nature. It's nice to be away from the loud city for once. By the time our weekend is over we will be happy to go back, but for now it's nice to be just where we are. 

We went out to the water. It gave us time to think. It gave us time I guess to relax cause do we ever actually do that? I guess not. I looked at Kelly as he stared off into the water. I looked at him " I think about bringing the kids here and Gabby you... a place like this..." He looked at me " the kids..?" I laughed " yeah I imagine our family... I guess I think about our kids as if they are already here or something..." He looked at me " are you guys talking about having kids again...?" I looked at him " after Louie and loosing the baby all in a year and half... It was harder on me I guess... I went a little overboard..." Kelly looked at me " you think...?" I laughed and hit his arm " ok yeah I did... and we've talked about let's just say... right now I just don't know..." He looked at me " your married...." I nodded " were are but theres just so much with us..." He looked at me " well I think maybe I could have had that..." I looked at him " with Anna?" He nodded " yeah... I did love her you know... and like I know we didn't know each other long but it felt right... like something felt right in my life for once..." I nodded " I get that man... really!"  He nodded " well.. let's get back! 

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