be good- chapter 24

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I know Severide is ok. Or at least he seems to be. I guess time heals all things. I know that best and I guess we all do. Matt and I have gone through a lot these past few years. We've dealt with our own loss I guess. We lost our baby and Louie. We could see Louie if we want to. He's still here and not too far away. It just hasn't felt right. We haven't felt like it was the right time to go through that door. We were just getting back to us and feeling like we were some sort of family again. We are happy. After all this loss and just all this change that's what we needed.

I went back to Matt's office " so... what was all that about..?" Matt looked at me " Severide..?" I nodded " yeah that..." Matt looked at me " he wants to go on a boys weekend!" I looked at him     " oh yeah" He nodded " yeah not for a few more weeks probably... but yeah It's a plan." I hugged him " I think that's what he needs after this year and you deserve it too." Matt looked at me             " really..? thanks." I kissed him " after all.... he saved you from that warehouse fire you thought you would die in..." Matt kissed my head " we really have been through a lot... well thanks for being an amazing wife!" I kissed him " always...."

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