today's not the day- chapter 57

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I was out of my mind without Matt. I just laid here and she was kicking up a storm. She was bouncing around in there. It was constant. The pain continued. I didn't know what this was. I've had contractions for weeks now everything was just the same for me. I was hardly dilated as a few days ago. A centimeter was all. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't be alone. I couldn't just be here. I got into the car and drove to the fire house. We only live ten minutes away so no big deal. I got out of the car... everything seemed to be stronger. I really felt it this time. I thought " is this it...?" This wasn't it. This was just the prep for the birth. 

I got inside the house and Severide spotted me. He looked at me " what are you doing...?" I               smiled " nothing... just popping in to see Casey.." He laughed " well..ok" 

I got to Matt's office " hey lieutenant!" Matt quickly got up and took my hand " Gabby... baby what are you doing here...?" I looked at him " I missed you... and your daughter is already driving me crazy!!" Matt made me sit down on his bunk " you need to take it easy Gabby..." 

Everything was much stronger " ooh... wow!" Matt looked at me " was that a contraction..." I looked at him " I have been feeling like this for weeks... it's nothing..." Matt looked at me " are you in labor.." I looked at him " I don't know..." Matt looked at me " can I check...?" 

I nodded " yeah..." Matt helped me  lie down... and then he lifted up my dress a little bit " I think she's crowning..." 

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