end of the day - 14

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We have been back for a couple weeks now. It has been good. I can't even believe how great time off was for us. We are stronger then ever. Marriage is a great thing and working at it is always how it goes. Everything good comes when you work at it. Nothing is just easy. It all takes work little by little. 

We were at Molly's. Matt was talking to Severide and I was talking to Brett. It was nice to have friends like family around. Brett looked at me " do you ever think about it...?" I looked at her confused " think about....?" She looked at me " having kids...?" I looked at her " Matt and I we are a family... but yeah I think about it actually a lot recently." She looked at me "yeah.." I looked at her " yeah... especially when Louie left.. I always wonder if Matt and I would have a family... it's what he has wanted and I have especially for us..." She looked at me " well what's stopping you..." I looked at her " we get pregnant... or adopt or whatever we do... I know everything is going to change..." She looked at me " and for good..." I looked at her " yeah I just don't want to jump into it.."

Matt looked at Kelly " I want that..." Kelly was confused " want..?" Matt laughed " kids..." He looked at him " you two are trying..." Matt looked at him " well not exactly.... like not on purpose...." He added " we are.... but were not." Kelly laughed " you two have been through a lot these past few years... you deserve a family..." Matt drank more of his beer " sometime..." 

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