2) Melissa the Brat

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My first week of school wasn't too bad, at least until Friday. History is always a struggle being surrounded by Melissa and her evil minions. "Miss Harrington, what did you think the colonists should've done?" our History teacher asked. Melissa lazily threw the strand of hair she was playing with over her shoulder.

"They should've robbed the Native's of all their 'good' stuff, then  taken the land," she answered proudly, to which everyone laughed and she looked around at everyone, acting surprised by the fact that they were laughing at her. I rolled my eyes as I turned the page of my textbook to keep up with the lesson.

"And what are your thoughts Miss Wesley?" All eyes turned to me. I sat up straight in my chair before replying,

"The colonists should've negotiated until both were satisfied and then stuck to their word."

"Very good insight!" the teacher exclaimed. Melissa and her "followers" sat there in shock. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed "what?" before continuing our assigned reading. I glanced back up and was relieved to see they had moved on. Wait, was that Skylar facing my direction? I stopped and slowly glanced back up to see him casually staring back and I froze. He gave me a small smirk and went back to his book. Ok, that was strange. "Questions one through twenty are due at the end of the class," the teacher chimed all too happily.

"Why would Skylar be staring at me? It's only the second week of school and I barely know him," I told Lily in Physics.

"Maybe my brother like you or something,."

"But how? The only time we ever talk is at lunch or the quick hi and bye in the hall," I pointed out.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, but if I head him talking about you, I'll let you know," Lilly reassured me.

"Oh my gosh! That Skylar is so hot! Don't you think?" the red head, Holly loudly started the conversation on Thursday in P.E.

"IDK, I've seen better," Candice, the blonde, replied. Melissa gasped.

"Yeah, like my bro would ever be interested in that," Lily muttered. I had to hide my laugh when the 3 of them glared at us. "How much did you want on here?" Lily asked as we turned to the bench press.

"Five on each," I answered as I sat on the bench.

"You do know that the bar itself is forty five pounds right?"

"Yeah and?"

"You can really lift that much?" I grinned as I got into position and started benching. I wasn't trying to be a show off, I just wanted to be strong. I soon noticed the room got a little quieter, but I didn't let that stop me. I finished at 12 and when I sat back up, someone started clapping. I wiped my face on my P.E. shirt before getting up to get a drink.

"That was impressive," Skylar said as I sat down at lunch.

"Really? Cuz it's not easy," I said as I ate my pasta.

"That's because you're a girl," the brown haired guy next to Skylar said.

"My apologies, this is my best friend, Chris. Chris, Anna," Skylar introduced us.

"I've heard a lot about you," Chris started.

"Like what?" I was interested.

"Well, Skylar's always saying how smart you are and how you work hard." Skylar looked really embarrassed and I was blushing.

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