18) Training

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As the rest of the week continued, I was starting to get a good idea of where everything was and thankfully, I didn't get lost too much because I always had a friend to walk with or followed someone from my class to the next class. I liked to table hop when it was meal time. I'd eat breakfast with Rogue, Iceman, and Pyro, then lunch with Kitty, Colossus, and Jubilee, and for dinner, we all ate together. It was better that way so we wouldn't tear our group apart with becoming too annoyed with the little things about each other. I hadn't exactly unpacked hardly anything, so I decided that I should probably do that since I'll be here for the rest of my life. I was putting all of my clothes that I wanted in the drawers all sorted out when there was a knock at my door. I opened it just enough to see who it was. "We were wondering if you wanted to come hang out with us tonight," Rogue said. I opened my door with a smile and let her and Iceman in.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked, resuming what I was doing before.

"To the movies and maybe we'll grab some ice cream on the way back," Iceman answered.

"Count me in!" I exclaimed.

"We'll go right after dinner," Rogue told me.

"Sweet! I'll see you then." Rogue scrunched her brows together.

"What are you doing all day?" she asked.

"I've gotta figure out some of this training stuff," I said. Iceman turned to Rogue and gripped her shoulders.

"I agreed to help her. If she doesn't start making progress soon, then things could get out of hand," he told her.

"Ok, but don't work too hard and take a lunch break," Rogue said. They two shared a short sweet kiss and Rogue hugged him. "Bye," she waved.

Iceman and I headed to the training hall and I grabbed a training tank top to change into. I was wearing work out leggings, my tennis shoes, and tied my hair up ready to tackle the day. I brought a water bottle and small towel from the bathroom to wipe my sweat on. "So...what are we starting off with?" I asked curiously as Iceman led me to the small multipurpose room.

"You said your powers came out when your emotions got the better of you, so I was thinking maybe we could try that. Think of something that makes you happy and we'll see where that takes us," Iceman explained. I thought back to my sweet sixteen, back when I still had a lot of friends before my family and I had to move. The girls and I had spent all day together starting with the spa, nails, shopping at the mall, catching a movie, and then having a pool party sleepover. I opened my eyes to see a small puddle on the floor.

"Where did that come from?" I asked confused.

"I sculpted a chunk of ice and your happy self melted the ice. That's good because now we have a start. Let's try again, different emotion this time. I want you to think of the saddest thing that has happened to you, maybe something recently." I closed my eyes again and thought real hard about what's made me sad in the past few months.

"Oh I know! Losing Sky," I thought. I gulped and brought back the feelings of betrayal, sadness, abandonment, and lonlieness.

"That's great! Keep it up," Iceman encouraged. I broadened my feelings to when all of my friends, or at least who I thought were my friends, had left me and the hurt and abandonment I felt. The self consciousness that followed me everywhere I went, the scared looks on everyone's faces as I walked the halls, the feeling of know that what the brats said had been true. And then, in the bottom of my heart, was a new feeling; heartbreak. I quickly opened my eyes when I felt a tear run down the side of my cheek. I gently put my finger to my cheek and looked at my finger in eye because the tear felt ice cold. I looked up to see a decent sized block of ice in front of me.

"Did I do that?" I asked surprised.

"You sure did and it continued to grow bigger and bigger until you stopped. We'll try one more emotion," Iceman stated.

"Anger," I muttered, "Believe me, I've got plenty of that," I said, already feeling heated up. I thought back to the dance when the school brats cornered me and how they wouldn't leave me alone. I thought of how angry I was at them for being such mean girls and how angry I was at myself for letting them get inside of my head. I thought of how angry I was at Candice when she couldn't keep my secret and how I didn't listen to what the brats had tried to tell me. I was angry about losing the one boy who had ever really shown that much interest in me and how the second I became different, he didn't want me, but neither did my friends. I watched as the ice melted in front of me, steam radiating off of the ice as it turned to liquid and fell to the floor. I smashed my hands together and the rest of the ice shattered to piece, shards flying everywhere. Iceman made an ice shield and ducked behind it. I didn't realize what I had done until I heard the ice shards smashing against the ice shield and Iceman's grunts. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" the rest of the shards immediately fell in mid air as I crouched next to Iceman and put a hand on his shoulder. He flinched and grimaced in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"Your hand burned me," Iceman said, holding his shoulder in his hand and looking at how bad the wound was.

"I didn't mean to," I pleaded.

"I know and it's ok because now we know how your powers work," he reassured me. We heard someone lazily clapping behind us and we both turned to see Pyro.

"Who knew the new girl had such a temper? I really didn't think you had it in you," Pyro said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'll happily do it again, but this time I'll try it on you," I spat moodily. Iceman glanced between the two of us and Pyro looked at me surprised.

"You'd actually hurt me?" he asked sarcastically putting a hand to heart. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not in the mood for your games right now," I told him as I took a drink from my water bottle but spat it right back out.

"What's wrong?" Iceman asked.

"The water's too warm and I'm not in the mood to cool it back down." Iceman blew on it and automatically ice crystals formed around it."Thank you," I said, taking a much cooler taste of the contents. I began to walk away, but Pyro followed me.

"Let her go man," Iceman tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen. I quickened my pace and when I was out of the training halls, I ran to my room as fast as I could. Pyro unfortunately knew what I was trying to do and was quickly catching up to me. I had my hand wrapped around my door handle when I was pulled away, letting out a small yelp. I was shoved against the wall next to my door and was met with Pyro's fiery eyes.

"Let me talk to you Anna," he begged. I tried to get out of his grasp, but his hold was too tight and I gave up knowing it was no use. "I didn't mean to offend you in anyway," he said. I looked at him, still upset, but my face softened at hearing his voice so full of emotion. "I shouldn't have been sarcastic when I didn't know about how you were treated before you came here so I'm sorry," Pyro apologized.

"Apology accepted," I whispered when I realized how close we were. His eyes flickered to my lips, making me feel nervous and when he startled to lean in slightly, I took the opportunity to get out of his grasp and quickly opened and closed my door, locking it so he couldn't get in. I rested my forehead against my door and slowed my breathing. I heard Pyro's little chuckle on the other side of the door and sighed with relief when I heard his footsteps leaving. I slumped to the floor, sitting against my door and let myself calm down.

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Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now