22) Deep Thoughts

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I was in my public speaking class with Jean and while she was lecturing us on ways to keep our nerves calm while presenting, I let my mind wander a little bit. Ok, too far this time. I was really curious about Logan and what kind of a guy he really was and what his powers were, especially since nobody talked about them. I was so deep in thought, that I forgot to write down all of the techniques Jean was talking about. All of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts, and turned around. Kitty handed me a piece of paper and I smiled gratefully when I saw that she was sharing her notes with me. I quickly copied them down in my notebook and handed them back to her when Jean had her back to me. Ugh, her lecture was so boring today. I drifted back into my thoughts and started thinking about my training. During the past 2 weeks, I'd gotten a pretty good hold on my fire powers, so what now? Pyro and I didn't really hang out much and when we did, we hardly spoke, and I wanted to keep it that way. He was trouble from the start and there was something about him that felt off, but I couldn't place it. I've already mastered my ice powers to where I can start training in the simulation room at a higher level, so what's next? There's got to be more training than that, right? I mean, powers can only go so far.

"You're quite right Anna, maybe we can have a chat about that after class," Jean called me out irritated, complete with a hard stare that made me flinch in my seat. I gulped and had to take me eyes away from her penetrating gaze and I felt my cheeks flush as I felt the eyes of other students on me. Right then, the bell rang and I let out the breath I had been holding. I slowly packed up my things and hugged my binder to my chest as I walked up to Jean's desk. She wiped her board clean and turned around, sighing sadly, making me feel worse. "You know I can read your mind when you start thinking too hard in my class?" she reminded me. I stared at the ground and nodded. "I don't know why you're so concerned about your training; I've seen it with my own eyes! You're a natural Anna! Why would you be worried?" she softly questioned.

"It's," I started, but stopped myself, not knowing how to explain it, "It's complicated right now."

"Because Pyro likes you and is an idiot when it comes to girls?" I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. It's just, I've already mastered my ice abilities and I finally figured out how to use and control my fire powers, but there has to be more; there just has to be!" I explained. Jean thought about this for a moment and we both jumped at the unexpected voice from the doorway.

"You're right Anna, there's a lot more to training than powers. You should start spending more time in the simulation room with the others to learn about teamwork. That's a very important skill to learn if you ever become an X-Men."

"Scott! You startled me," Jean smiled, putting a hand over her heart.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he quickly apologized by pecking her on the cheek and giving her a hug. She gave him an annoyed, playful look to which he shook his head. "You know I would never do it on purpose."

"Really? Because you do it more than you think," she pointed out.

"Maybe I could surprise you some other way?" Scott suggested, leaning in to kiss her. I suddenly felt very awkward and cleared my throat.

"I thought Wolverine had it bad for you?" I asked confused. Jean looked at Scott and then back at me, smiling at the ground before meeting my confused look.

"He does, but he also knows that he could never have me because I'm seriously in love with Scott," she said.


"You know Anna, if you really think you've mastered your powers, I'm sure the Professor could give you some ideas on how to train more," Scott suggested, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Good idea! I'll figure it out. Thanks Scott!" I exclaimed, rushing out of the classroom and through the halls until I came to the Professor's door. I knocked and waited until he said 'enter'.

"What can I help you with Anna?" Professor X asked politely.

"I would like to take my training to the next level. I want to start working more in the simulation room to work my way up to the higher levels, at least, that's what Scott suggested," I said. Professor X chuckled.

"My dear Anna, there is still so much more for you to learn! While training requires you to master the usage and control of your powers and your ability to work well with others, there is still a major component you are missing."

"And what might that be?"


"Professor, I eat an extremely healthy diet around here thanks to nutritious food you keep stalked in you pantry, and whatever junk food I eat, I work off anyway on the treadmeal. I bench, weightlift, walk, jog, run, and keep my abs nice and toned. What else could there possibly be?" I wanted to know. Professor X only smiled and replied,

"That is for you to discover on your own." I scrunched my eyebrows together, not expecting that answer.

"Oh, not were you thinking was it?" he teased.  "And don't forget to do well in your studies. I hear math is not your strongest subject."

"Will do Professor," I answered, leaving his office and trying to figure out what he meant by "find out on your own." I was still wrapping my head around it when I dropped my books in cubby and pulled my shirt off, leaving my tank top on, not noticing the eyes that were watching me. I absentmindedly grabbed some dumbbells and started doing my usual workout. "Discover on my own? What does that mean?" I quietly thought aloud.

"Talking to yourself?" I looked up to see Logan snickering at me.

"No...I don't talk to myself," but he wasn't convinced. He grabbed the 80 pound dumbbells and took his spot next to me, starting the same exercise I was doing. He seemed to lift the weight without too much difficulty, making me feel very small next to his tall, masculine self. I had to look away to hide my blush as he continued his work out.

"So do you care to share what has you talking to yourself?" Logan finally asked.

"Yeah, I've mastered my powers and need to focus on teamwork, but Professor X made it sound like there's more to fitness than working out and exercising on a regular basis," I told him.

"That's because there is," I looked up at him unsurely, "You have to be ready for any kind of fight and yes, being in shape is the best way to ensure that, buy you have to be able to move your body for any kind of situation."

"Really?" I asked, now realizing what the Professor meant.

"Of course Charles wouldn't tell you that, he wants you to find out on your own, but the thing is, sometimes you need a little more direction than wise words," Logan said.

"What are you suggesting?" I asked.

"That I help train you." I froze as my breath caught in my throat; Wolverine was willing to train me?!

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